Chapter 1309 Meng Po (45)

   "It's a pity." Some judges looked at the previous Yan Jun Muyu, if he waited, the new rules of heaven would allow Wen Wen to have the status of the underworld, and there was no need for meticulous planning.

  Cui Ju: "No way, he can disturb the justice of the underworld for Wen Wen. It may not be that after Wen Wen has the status of the underworld, he can really keep the justice."

  The members thought about it, and it really is the case.

  Mu Yu had already come down from the merit and demerit book. Only then did the members realize that the merit and demerit book had changed. In short, it was more majestic than before, and they dared not have any thoughts standing here.

  Chen Ling and others were pushed up, and what they did was clearly shown.

  There is nothing to do with Qianyan next, but they have to go to Fengdu Tianzi Hall to meet Xin Yanjun.

   Therefore, after Chen Lung and others calculated merits and demerits and were detained, Qianyan and the judges went to Fengdu Tianzi Hall.

  Xin Yanjun Zhou Hui was already standing there waiting for them, both of them bowed their hands when they met.

   "I have seen Yan Jun."

"Hello everyone." Zhou Hui said, "This king has just learned about the underworld. Let's take advantage of the time to discuss the transformation of the various divisions of the underworld. This king has already written down some ideas. Please take a look at it. If there is anything inappropriate, please disagree. Yes, please bring it up."

  The Dao of Heaven will only issue new rules for the general direction. As for how to manage the underworld, it still depends on the administrators of the underworld. As long as there is no big mistake, such as making the underworld lose its fairness, the heaven will not interfere.

  The judges who had planned to leave after a brief greeting, did not expect that they would stay in the Temple of the Son of Heaven for several days.

When I had something to deal with in the middle, I applied to Zhou Hui, but he actually said: "You guys might as well go out in an incarnation to deal with it, you don't need much strength, and the main body stays here to continue to discuss the transformation of the underworld. This king feels that the management of the underworld is a bit backward. He also paid special attention to the various benevolent policies of Emperor Jiang in the lower world, and thought it could be imitated."

   "Come on, let's take a look at this one, this king thinks it's wonderful..."

   "Jiang Di is really talented..."

   "When he comes down, remember to work hard, if you can keep him in the underworld."

"Meng Po, I have to trouble you about this matter. You and Jiang Di are most familiar with each other," Zhou Hui's eyes lit up and patted his head, "He is your sweetheart, and you are his sweetheart, or wait for him to come down, you Just go to the marriage stone and do the important things of your life."

   "Jiang Di has a deep affection for you. Even if he can't remember who you are in reincarnation, he still remembers that he has someone he likes."

   "I don't even hesitate to take the initiative to spread rumors that he has a physical problem."

  Qianyan: "..." I didn't expect that the newly appointed Yan Jun was a model worker, and she arranged her tasks clearly.

  Cui Juong opened his mouth wide, the new Yan Jun was so mad!

   "Cui Ju, this king thinks that your eloquence is very good. In the future, the matter of persuading talents to stay in the underworld will be handed over to you."

  Cui Ju: "..." Yan Jun, are you polite?

   "Luan Ju, you don't speak much, you do things with integrity, but you never lose justice. You have a steel scale in your heart. You will also serve as a judge and inspector in the future."

  Lu Ju nodded solemnly: "Yes."

  Cui Ju: Hehe, as expected of Lao Lu, he reached a consensus with Xin Yanjun at once.

"The underworld lacks three judges now, and their divisions are temporarily held by Zhong Ju, Wei Ju, and Yu Ju." Zhou Hui touched his chin and said, "In a few years, the Jiang Dynasty will bring down many talents, and wait for them. After they are all down, choose three judges from among them."

  The talents cultivated by Emperor Jiang must stay. Just tell these old subordinates that Emperor Jiang will stay in the underworld, and are you afraid they won't agree?

   Qianyan saw the calculation in Zhou Hui's eyes, but didn't say anything. It's okay to stay, Jiang Huai came down again, and he still has a few friends, all of whom are his old subordinates.

   Zhou Hui's gaze at Qianyan, both of them sensed the other's thoughts, and quickly moved away.

  Zhou Hui's small abacus crackled, but he didn't dare to offend Madam Meng.

   But fooling Jiang Emperor to do things in the underworld is absolutely stable.

  Hehe, with his sweetheart and his old subordinates in the underworld, where can Emperor Jiang run?

See you tomorrow



   (end of this chapter)

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