Chapter 1311 Meng Po (47)

   On this day, Qianyan roamed the underworld with many seeds.

   Zhou Hui came over that day and asked her to help plant some flowers and plants in the underworld, and she agreed.

   This is nothing but a small thing, a small effort.

   She will stay here for a few years, and it will be beneficial to herself to improve the environment.

  Qianyan also did not expect that since he obtained the planting spirit, he has been pulled to green twice, once in the immortal world of the cultivation world, and once in the present underworld.

  The time slipped away without knowing it, and a few days passed in a flash.

   This day was the reincarnation day of the predecessor Yan Jun and Mu Yu. Mu Yu was wearing a white uniform uniformed by the reincarnated ghosts of the underworld. However, he looks good, even if he has no strength and wears simple clothes, it is difficult not to attract attention to him.

   "Drink, don't miss the hour." Qian Yan pushed the soup bowl in front of Mu Yu, as usual.

   Mu Yu's expression was a bit complicated, especially seeing the changes in the underworld, he didn't know what to say for a while.

   Now the underworld is orderly, and the supervision between various departments is more stringent. Whether it is in management or the construction of the underworld, the new Yan Jun has done thousands of times better than him.

   Mu Yu picked up the bowl and suddenly asked: "Meng Po, are you really arranged by Heaven to supervise me?"

   This question has puzzled him for a long time, and he still can't understand why Meng Po is so much stronger than him in the end, even though his strength is still growing.

   "No." Qianyan replied.

   Mu Yu blurted out: "Why do you grow up so fast, your strength is so much stronger than mine?"

   "Because I practice diligently and never stop making myself stronger."

   "I don't look down on anyone."

   Pride and complacency are the easiest to be overturned, and she has seen it too much.

  Mu Yu: And connotation of him?

   Seeing that Qianyan did not lie, he was a little stunned: "So I was wasting my time?"

   "It's good to know, let's drink it quickly."

   Seeing that Qianyan was about to start, Mu Yu took the bowl and poured the soup down. It's better to drink it by yourself. He has seen Meng Po rudely pouring soup for ghosts more than once.

   Mu Yu's eyes became confused and he was led to reincarnation.

   Mu Yu had already been reincarnated, and Qianyan observed the situation on Jiang Wenwen's side again.

  Since Mu Yu took away the extra memory in Jiang Wenwen's mind, she has returned to her former childlike appearance.

   This year, Jiang Wenwen was ten years old, and he was still not smart.

   But in the end, being born in the royal family, no matter how ordinary, will be worry-free.

   Her growth path was very smooth. She grew up coddled since she was a child, but the Jiang family was originally a big family and was very good at teaching the younger generation. Even if it is a waste of food, drink and entertainment, it is a waste that will not hold back.

   There is nothing to do now, Qianyan will pay attention to the situation in the world from time to time.

   Mu Yu's reincarnation status is not very good. In the current Jiang Dynasty gradually showing its prosperous form, he is considered to be the poorest family.

   Not only was his family poor, but his mother died when he was a child. Now he has a stepmother, and the stepmother is planning to sell him.

   is also a coincidence. When he escaped, he met Jiang Wenwen who was out to play.

  When Jiang Wenwen was seven years old, the Jiang Shan family moved out of the palace, and the Le Wangfu was in the most prosperous part of the capital.

   Therefore, Jiang Wenwen now lives in the palace and often goes out to play.

   When Jiang Wenwen saw Mu Yu, he named him as a guard.

  The Jiang Shan family still doted on this daughter very much, so they naturally arranged for someone to train Mu Yu.

   (end of this chapter)

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