Chapter 1323 Love yourself, love the world (4)

"Zhou Quandong attacked me with all kinds of words, saying that the outside world is very scary and terrifying. If I go out to the factory and online store, it will be affected. This is my hard work, and it has seized my lifeline. He also said that my current image is not good. At this time, I didn't even realize that Zhou Quandong was in PUA."

"I started to become unconfident and didn't dare to look in the mirror. In the mirror, I was really bad. I even felt that I was doing everything wrong, and I was afraid of seeing people. When I faced Zhou Quandong, I was full of guilt, and I was afraid of losing him. So he said I'll listen to everything, because he says I'm good, so I won't cause him trouble."

   "I have lost too much to lose Zhou Quandong."

   "In order to please him, I gave him all my property."

   "I don't know if this continues, I can only sink deeper and deeper, and I can't get out of it at all."

   "Afterwards, my condition became more and more serious. Zhou Quandong was even more indifferent to me, and his words hit me even more. One day, he left and said that we were not suitable. He felt that I was unreasonable now."

   "I broke down, took medicine and died at home."

   "Not long after my death, I was completely awake when my soul was separated from my body. Watching Zhou Quandong lead a feasting life and teasing me as a fool with a group of people, it is not difficult to control my mind like this."

   "Three months after I died, a reporter named Meng Zhang rehabilitated me, and the other party also exposed the evil deeds of Zhou Quandong and his party. Originally, I felt that the whole world was dark, but suddenly I felt that the world was not that bad."

   Qianyan looked at the woman with peaceful eyes: "Then what do you want to do?"

"Love yourself, love the world." The woman said, "Don't be kidnapped by any morality. On the premise of not breaking the law, you can do whatever you want, do whatever you want, and live as you want. Even if you are accused of being unfilial, don't do it. Care. To live arrogantly, to live wanton, no need to explain to anyone, really no need.

  If you have the ability, please help some people in need. Like the reporter named Meng Zhang, who obviously has nothing to do with me, but is willing to spend time investigating the truth to help me. When I knew that I had passed away, I blamed myself at my grave and said that he came too late.

   He made me understand that there are really a group of very warm people in this world. "

   "In this world, there should be a lot of people like me. I hope they can get help in time, and don't get caught in it like me and never get out."

   "I don't know if half of my soul can go back to before my grandma died. If so, please help me take care of her old man."

   She asked if she could use all her soul, and the one called System 666 said no.

   Qianyan looked at the woman with a hopeful look. Compared to the gray and sad face before, the hopeful look of the other party was obviously more vivid.

   "Okay, as you wish."



   "Sister Ye, are you still there?"

   "Why is there no sound over there?"

   "Did you get too tired during the day and fell asleep?"

   "No matter how tired you are during the day, you still have to take care of yourself. Your body is the most important thing."

   Hearing Zhou Quandong's concerned voice, Qianyan came back to her senses: "I'm tired."

   "Then you have to rest well, or I will be very worried."

   Zhou Quandong's voice was really nice, but Qianyan wasn't interested at all, so she opened the calendar and took a look.

   The current time period is when the original owner brought his grandmother Qin Lianying to his home, and at the same time, he and Zhou Quandong had known each other for a while. At this time, he has helped Zhou Quandong play several PKs.

   In other words, the original owner's grandmother was still alive, and the original owner did not meet Zhou Quandong.

   Now that she has come to this point in time, she has no plans to meet Zhou Quandong.

   (end of this chapter)

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