Chapter 1325 Love yourself, love the world (6)

   After coaxing Qin Lianying back to the room to sleep, Qianyan also returned to the room.

  She didn't sleep, went to the study through another door in the room, turned on the computer, and began to think about the medicine for Qin Lianying's body conditioning.

   Qin Lianying is not seriously ill, basically some common geriatric diseases.

  Hypertension and diabetes are relatively intractable and basically incurable diseases, Qin Lianying really does not have them, so her health is not bad.

  It is basically impossible to cure other senile diseases at once, unless there is a panacea like the cultivation world. With the prescription she figured out, it will definitely get better and better after spending time and long-term conditioning.

  You can see a small effect in a month, and a big improvement in three months. If it is a year or a half, it will obviously feel very different from before.

   After thinking about the prescription, Qianyan grabbed the medicine directly on the Internet.

   She checked the time, it was not even twelve o'clock, and she didn't intend to sleep.

   Whether it's a factory or a shop, it's developing well so far. Basically, she doesn't need to worry too much, so it's not too much.

  You can just go around tomorrow, not too busy.

   After a while, Ye Defu will come to ask for trouble, which will affect the business of the factory and shop, so she still needs to prepare early.

   She calculated the funds in her hand, and then began to analyze various enterprises and companies in the world, and prepared to invest the money.

  The original owner has a good vision, can endure hardships, and can quickly seize the market opportunity. As soon as the live broadcast sale came out, I ate the first pie, and I really made a lot of money at that time.

   Because when she first became independent, she was in the clothing industry. At that time, I thought that it was impossible to work part-time for a lifetime, and I thought deeply about this aspect. Even so, I took a lot of detours in the middle.

   The original owner's worst thing is that he has a lot of money in his hand, and he doesn't know where to invest it, but he bought some real estate shops. However, the property market in recent years has not been as good as before, except for the central location, it is simply not suitable to start again.

   Regarding investment, the original owner didn’t know much about it, so naturally he didn’t dare to take risks, so he still had a large amount of money in his hand.

   It happened that Qianyan came over and planned to divide the funds into several parts to invest. At that time, even if the business of factories and shops is affected, it will not matter to her.

   spent most of the night, Qianyan practiced the exercises while analyzing various companies, and finally picked out a few that she felt she could invest in at present.

   As soon as it was dawn, she woke up and heard movement outside.

   went out and saw that Qin Lianying was walking towards the kitchen. When she saw her coming out, she said, "Yanyan, do you want noodles or porridge?"

   "Let's eat porridge."

  Qianyan followed to the kitchen. The helper hadn't come over at this time. Qin Lianying was too old. She was a little afraid of the other party's accident.

   The two got busy in the kitchen, and soon ate porridge and side dishes, and egg pancakes.

   Qin Lianying's fried egg pancakes were delicious. She ate two, but Qin Lianying was very happy.

"I just have to eat more. There are so many things every day. How can you eat a little bit? If you can't keep up with your nutrition, your body will have problems. Don't eat for the sake of your body. Look at how thin you are. , there's no meat on her face..." Qin Lianying began to mumble.

   Qianyan didn't feel impatient, she responded from time to time, she could feel Qin Lianying's every word was caring and loving.

   (end of this chapter)

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