Chapter 1330 Love yourself, love the world (11)

   Unable to figure out the truth of Ah Huai jumping off the building for a while, thinking that there is still time to buffer, Qian Yan decided to arrange a private investigator to investigate.

   On Zhou Quandong's side, she also invited someone to watch.

  The original owner's factory is divided into two parts, one part is for the production, and the other part is for his own brand.

The    brand is a domestic product with guaranteed affordable reputation and quality. It mainly produces fashionable women's clothing. Currently, it is planning to make a batch of men's clothing to test the water.

  Qianyan flipped through the original owner's plan. If something hadn't happened later, the original owner should have been able to make men's clothing, which is a pity.

  The name of the online store is the brand name-Spring Leaf (SL), which means hope and new life, and also represents the new life of the original owner.

  Qianyan did not change the direction set by the original owner. Since it is a cheap word-of-mouth product, then make this brand to the extreme.

   "Spring Leaves" has a relatively high nationality at present, and there are chain stores all over the country.

   At that time, Ye Defu exposed the original owner's "disobedience" on the show, which should have little impact on the sales of offline products.

   The biggest influence is actually the online store.

   To say that because this incident hurt the foundation of the original owner's career is completely nonsense.

   In summary, the original owner was fooled by Zhou Quandong.

Qianyan analyzed these things to the original owner, and the woman said: "It should be like this, at that time I lost the person I loved and cared about the most, and everyone misunderstood me and abused me, Zhou Quandong also showed me these things, Made me feel very bad.

   The emotions that had been suppressed in the bottom of my heart broke out at once, and I was very ill. The mental illness has reached a certain stage, but it is actually a physical problem, and I can't control myself at all. Unstable mood, mental breakdown, no master of six gods, and even no ability to think, plus Zhou Quandong's good disguise, at that time I regarded him as my last resort. I just felt that what he said was right, I didn't think about it at all. "

   "After death, the soul is separated from the body and is no longer affected by the disease of the body. After seeing the true face of Zhou Quandong again, I slowly came to understand."

  Qianyan: "I will launch men's clothing according to the original plan. This is your dream. Netizens don't buy it, but some people in the physical store buy it. Even if they don't buy it, we can donate it."

   "Not bad for money."

  The woman quickly nodded when she heard Qianyan's words. This period was the peak of her career, and she was not bad at all.

   She doesn't like luxury products, and won't buy unnecessary luxury products unless they are necessary. Instead, like a hamster, he likes to save money.

  How to make money, how to spend money, Qianyan already has a plan in mind.

   Guarantee that this money can be spent comfortably, and that Ye Defu will be mad enough to die.

After    decided to continue launching menswear, Qianyan immediately called a meeting of company members. At the end of the meeting, the manager of the planning department proposed to have a celebrity endorsement, which was approved by many people in the company.

   Now the star effect is still good, especially the kind with many fans.

   "We mainly focus on women's clothing, and we can ask a male star to endorse, which can promote the effect of female fans." said Wu Xiaoxuan, manager of the planning department.

  Qianyan paused for a while. Another reason why the brand has been impacted is that the spokesperson exploded just two months after the endorsement.

   On the surface, he is well packaged, not top-notch, and has certain fans. However, his private life was not good. Later, it was revealed that he was not only dating several girlfriends at the same time, but also had serious illegal acts.

   Wu Xiaoxuan's ability is actually good, but she is a little selfish in choosing a spokesperson, and highly recommends her idol.

   (end of this chapter)

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