Chapter 1332 Love yourself, love the world (13)

   Qianyan: "Oh, that's how it is."

  Wu Xiaoxuan took a deep breath, she was really ashamed, she is no longer a fan of idols, chasing stars, let's make money. Fortunately, the accident happened early, otherwise her decision would probably affect the entire brand. Although the contract can be terminated immediately, the impact is still great.

   "Let's take a look. This is the information about the artists you mentioned yesterday. Xia Huanzhou has a lot of information, but I didn't expect him to break the law."

  Qianyan pointed out all the information, and everyone almost bit their tongues looking at the black material.

   Several of them were fans of their company members, and all of them collapsed.

   Wu Xiaoxuan took a breath and suddenly felt less sad. It turned out that she was not the only one who collapsed.

"Actually, I just wanted to say yesterday that our brand has always been a cheap word of mouth and does not need fan effect. The public will choose our brand when they think it is easy to wear and the price is right. As long as we do our own brand well, look good and wear good quality. Well, people who choose our brand will always choose…”

   After dealing with the endorsement and assigning tasks, Qianyan received some news about A Huai from a private detective.

   She looked at the words in the dialog box and fell into contemplation.

   She had guessed before that Ah Huai didn't jump off the building by himself, so he arranged for a private detective to investigate his surroundings to see if he could find out something.

   I didn’t expect feedback so soon, someone was indeed staring at Ah Huai.

  While she was thinking, the private detective sent another message: Meng Zhang was also staring at him.

   Ah Huai and Meng Zhang have a good relationship and meet at least once a week. The private detective happened to find someone staring at Meng Zhang.

  Qianyan handed out some names of Meng, and asked the private investigator to check if anyone was following these people.

   But only one day later, she received feedback, and the few people she sent in the past were all staring at them.

   "Continue with Ah Huai, help me hire some bodyguards, keep an eye on him, and keep him safe."

   "Okay, boss." The private detective looked at the money he received and laughed happily.

   Qianyan was silent.

   Both are surnamed Meng, will they have something to do with Meng Lao?

   According to the information she found, Meng Lao has been doing charity all his life. If you want to hurt Ah Huai, there is no need to choose to help him in the first place.

  Qianyan pondered while watching the live broadcast. Every time a random PK appeared, she threw a gift on it.

  A Huai always reached out and raised his hat after a round, and then replied in a cold voice, "Yan 123456789, thank you, it's been a waste."

   Then, move on to the next round.

   Time passed quickly, and in the blink of an eye, it was time for Ye Defu to complain about the original owner on the family search show.

   This night, Qian Yan didn't watch the TV series with Qin Lianying, but went back to the room to turn on the computer, switched to a local TV station, and stared at the "Happy Family" family search program.

   At half past eight, the show started.

   The host's sensational opening remarks, combined with some short films by Ye Defu and Huang Xiangyu, established them as a pair of poor people abandoned by their rich daughters.

   The host's eyes were red, and his voice choked: "Next, I invite our parents who miss their daughter to come back to the stage."

   Ye Defu and Huang Xiangyu appeared, along with the original cousin, Ye Yajun.

  Ye Defu and Huang Xiangyu dress plainly and look honest, giving people the image of honest rural people.

Then the host asked who Ye Yajun was. Ye Yajun's eyes were also very red. Holding the microphone, he said a little embarrassedly: "My name is Ye Yajun, and I am their nephew. This time I came with them specially. Your cousin saw it, remember to go home, your parents really miss you. No matter how rich you are outside, I hope you don’t forget your parents who gave birth to you. I don’t ask you to bring anything back, I just hope you can Look at them, it's not easy to raise two old people like you."

   The host asked, and Ye Defu and the three answered.

   As soon as Qianyan heard their answers, she knew that someone had taught her.

   At the end, the program released an interview with the villagers, which was exactly the same as the original owner's memory.

   The front is a criticism of her, and the back is to hope that she can come back.

   (end of this chapter)

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