Chapter 1335 Love yourself, love the world (16)

   "Boss, a group of people are pouring into the live broadcast room to make trouble. We have reminded the anchors and models according to your instructions, let them continue as usual, and give them a raise."

   "Yesterday, the sales volume of the online store declined seriously."

   "According to the report below, the physical store has little impact."

   "The agency production business is not affected. The sales department has just signed two orders."

   "Yesterday, the boss made a donation to the "Care for the Demented Elderly" project of the Chun An Foundation, which caused some splashes on the Internet."

"At the moment, you don't need to pay too much attention to the sales of live broadcast studios and online stores, but continue to pay attention to physical stores. The amount lost during this period will be paid back with profit in the near future." Qian Yan said, "Everyone do their own thing, even if it is business. It will be greatly affected, and it will not reduce your wages."

   In the face of the sympathetic expressions of the employees present, Qianyan thought for a moment and knew what was going on. It should be someone inside the company who disclosed the original owner's life experience.

  The original owner didn’t want to explain to the public, but that doesn’t mean the truth of the matter won’t surface.

  After the meeting, Qianyan took a look at the companies she recently invested in. There are two companies she still has absolute equity in, and the benefits have come up. In the long run, it will not be worse than the factories in her hands.

   She clicked on the live broadcast room of the flagship store, and the barrage was all kinds of boycotts of "spring leaves" and all kinds of "Ye Qianyan orphans".

   Netizens are persuading the anchors and models to give up and work for a black-hearted boss like her.

  ——Miss Anchor, there is really no need to work here. Wouldn’t it be better to go next door?

   - I feel sorry for you guys, but I really can't buy clothes from this house.

  ——This kind of unfilial daughter, white-eyed wolf product, if you wear it back, it will probably be beaten by my mother.

  ——Spring leaves will close sooner or later, you better change jobs early, the next door is still recruiting.

  ——Ye Qianyan will die, and the leaves in spring will close down quickly...

   Miss Anchor: "Don't worry everyone, the boss just gave us a raise."

   "The boss also arranged afternoon tea."

   "I hope some netizens can use civilized language."

   Netizens: "..." Dare to say it in vain.

  ——srds, is what the hostess said true?

  ——At this juncture, Ye Qianyan, the white-eyed wolf, even gave the anchor and model a salary increase. What is this operation?

  ——I can't understand the operation of the white-eyed wolf. Could it be possible to get word-of-mouth back by raising wages for employees?

  ——y1s1, they donated 5 million yesterday.

  ——but also a white-eyed wolf.

  ——The anchor and model have been scolded yesterday, so the salary should be raised.

  ——I have to say that the hostess has a very good psychological quality, and her complexion did not change throughout the whole process. It is said that the boss next door revealed that she really wanted to dig her over.

  ——I think Ye Qianyan is crazy. Her behavior should be called retaliatory consumption.

  ——Even if she donates money and raises wages for her employees, she still cannot erase the fact that she is a blind eyed wolf.

  ——Don't go home to visit his biological parents, and spend money outside. Dad Ye really raised such a daughter for nothing. He is not as filial as his nephew.

  —Actually, have you ever thought deeply that Ye Qianyan would rather donate money to strangers than go home. Is there another secret behind this?

  ——The one upstairs is the navy, don't wash it, Ye Qianyan can't wash it clean. No matter how many good things she does, she is still a white-eyed wolf, sorry for her parents.

  ——The navy crawls away, don't come to contaminate the eyes.

   - Ye Qianyan is disgusting.

  ——Ye Qianyan#¥%.

   (end of this chapter)

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