Chapter 1355 Love yourself, love the world (36)

   There were two people who told him what happened before. It wasn't that he didn't believe it, he just thought it was incredible.

  Qianyan took out his laptop and clicked on the previous video: "Look at it."

   "Well." Meng Tinghuai responded, staring at the video screen.

   The actions and dialogues of Luo Xingshan and the two are clearly recorded in the picture. Finally, there is a video of Luo Xingshan and the two personally admitting who was in charge. After seeing this, Meng Tinghuai's mind became much clearer.

   He leaned back on the soft pillow and was silent, with no expression on his face.

  The room was very quiet, Qianyan sat on the side without making a sound, leaving time for him to think for himself.

"I can't contact Mr. Meng directly now. Butler Wen is very trusted by Mr. Meng. He must have controlled the news in all directions." Two minutes later, Meng Tinghuai opened his mouth and looked at the laptop Qianyan put aside. , "Boss Yan, can you lend me the computer?"

  Qianyan handed the laptop to the other party. Since he had plans, she would not intervene more, but she still mentioned: "Wen Yiming can't escape, I have already arranged for someone to watch him."


   Meng Tinghuai was still in a trance at the moment, he was almost thrown from the 18th floor, never heard that there is still a chance of surviving after falling from the 18th floor.

   Before, he was really on the line of life and death, and he came back with another life.

  ChongChongliang silently shrank aside, and then found that Meng Tinghuai's finger was pointing at the computer, and the whole person was not very good.

   Is everyone so introverted now?

   To be a boss, you have to be able to do business, and you have to have computer skills comparable to hackers?

   To be a game host, not only do you have to play games well, but also have first-hand computer skills?

   Hydatid wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.

   Today's young people are too convoluted, he is a little worried that his technology is backward, and one day he will not be able to work in this industry.

   So, does he have to expand his skills beyond his major?

  Meng Tinghuai looked at the computer screen with unprecedented seriousness. There are many people in the world with the same surname as Meng, all over the world.

  Although he usually doesn't seem to be with the crowd, and he doesn't like to communicate with people, but with his game skills and computer skills, he still made a lot of friends, many of whom are surnamed Meng.

  Many people surnamed Meng actually still have physical disabilities, but they are excellent in all walks of life. Perhaps they cherish the hard-won opportunity too much, and they grabbed the life-saving straw and climbed up hard.

  Meng Lao trusts Wen Steward very much. Wen Steward basically takes care of his food, clothing and daily life and is responsible for most of the information transmission.

   But apart from the housekeeper Wen, it was not that there was no one else by Meng Lao’s side.

   It's just that he is not sure how many people have been bought by the housekeeper, and he can't take risks.

  The night passed, Meng Tinghuai sensed the light outside, suddenly raised his head, and found Qian Yan was still sitting beside him.

   "I'm sorry." Meng Tinghuai closed the computer, "It's urgent, I forgot the time for a while, I asked you to wait here, in fact, you can go to rest first."


   After a busy night, Meng Tinghuai was really tired, but he still cheered up and said, "Remember the grace of saving your life. If you are hungry, I will invite you to dinner."

   "I just called someone to buy porridge, and you can rest after you finish eating." Qian Yan stood up, "I'll go to the company to see, remember to let me know when there is a result. As for eating, there is time."

   "Then... don't you take a break?"

   (end of this chapter)

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