Chapter 1380 Awakened NPC (18)

Ji Xin sighed and looked out the window. Qian Yan's words brought his thoughts back to a long, long time ago: "Yes, your character and appearance are all set by another person. The existence of the entire game It's all for her, and the secret of clearance is also her. Even though some players guessed her before, the method they used did not trigger the secret of clearance. Because I hid all the information and key points, it was actually a little embarrassing for the players. already."

   "This is a game, which is actually different from reality."

"Since it's a game, who would take it seriously, they will never be able to have sympathy for the NPC. Even if they say that the little girl is pitiful, they won't hesitate to coax the props from her hands. Especially after the rewards are announced, so The situation is getting worse.”

"Her name is Ji Ying, she is my sister, five years younger than me, cute, and very smart. When I was fifteen years old, I was the third year of junior high school, and she was already the first year of junior high school when she was ten years old. The school is not the No. 3 Middle School in Yangjiang County, but the first class of the third middle school in Qingshe County."

   "Anjiang Town is not Anjiang Town, it should be called Xianyang Town."

"Sakura Village is not Sakura Village, but Rongxi Village. The reason why it is named Sakura Village is because of my sister Ji Ying's sakura character. At the beginning of designing this game, I thought about the conclusion of customs clearance. When the cherry blossoms bloom, the whole world will return to peace'."

   Having said that, Ji Xin fell silent.

   Qianyan did not type on the memo, but waited patiently.

   Five minutes later, Ji Xin seemed to be mentally prepared.

   "She was ten years old that year, and her life will always be fixed at the age of ten. That day was September 24, Friday. So the time of "Sakura Love" will always be this day."

"Our home is in Rongxi Village, and we choose to study at the No. 3 Middle School in Qingshe County, because the quality of teaching in this school is very good. But because of the distance, we can only live on campus. Every Friday, our brother and sister will meet Go back to the village together. The other children in the village go to the junior high school in the town, so there is no other team.”

"On the afternoon of September 24th, after school, I was fascinated by playing basketball with my classmates. I planned to play basketball at school until it was dark and live at my classmate's house, so I didn't go home with my sister. I didn't think that this playful decision would hurt Kill her. I put her in the car and go play basketball."

   "When I got home in the afternoon the next day, I learned that my sister hadn't arrived yet, and my parents and the villagers were frantically searching for her."

   "On Sunday, I finally found my sister."

"She was at the bottom of the cliff, looking very miserable. Even if my parents didn't want me to see her, I couldn't help it. When I saw my originally alive sister lying there lifeless, covered in blood, I broke down. Infinite remorse and guilt flooded my heart, and I felt like the sky was falling. Dad wiped his tears silently, mom howled sadly, and I stood beside my sister's body in confusion, like a walking corpse."

   "The sister who sweetly called my brother the day before yesterday will never call me brother again, nor smile at me, nor share candy with me."

   "It's all my fault. If I didn't have fun that day, my sister would never have an accident." Ji Xin's eyes were red when he said this, and his tears couldn't stop flowing.

   Every time he thinks about the past, he still feels that it happened yesterday.

   "My sister was strangled to death after being violated and thrown off the cliff. The murderer was too cruel, she was so cute, how could he get it." Ji Xin said bitterly.

   "After three days of investigation, the murderer was caught."

See you tomorrow



   (end of this chapter)

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