Chapter 1383 Awakened NPC (21)

   Ji Xin's voice gradually calmed down, his eyes filled with loneliness: "There is only one younger sister in this world, and the one designed according to his own ideas is another person."

  The room fell into silence. Qianyan guessed at first that the story behind "Sakura Love" must not be a good one, and it was worse than expected.

  The beautiful girl in the wishing space burst into tears, and she was not sad because of Ji Xin's words.

   "My brother is so pitiful."

   "Brother is actually very good."

   "It's all the bad guys' fault."

   "If Ji Ying is still here, my brother will definitely treat her very well."

  The pretty girl felt sad for Ji Xin's experience: "I want my brother not to be so sad, is there any way?"

"I heard that people will become souls after death. If they want to be reincarnated, can sister Yan find Ji Ying's reincarnation? She is so cute, she has suffered so much in her previous life, and she should be very happy in her reincarnation? If you find her reincarnation, let brother Seeing that she is living happily, I should feel better. My brother's body doesn't look very good. Human life has an end. I can feel the death energy in him, and he has no hope of living. "

"My brother figured it out, but he gave up on himself." The pretty girl said with red eyes, "His time is running out. If he can find Ji Ying, his brother can make some compensation at the end, at least he won't let him. So sad."

   Qianyan: "You can try."

   Just when the room fell silent, there was another movement on Ji Xin's cell phone memo.

  Qianyan: You give me Ji Ying's birth date, I'll figure out if she's reincarnated.

   Ji Xin's expression was sad, and suddenly he was a little confused. After the game NPC awakened, would he have so many skills?

   It sounds incredible, but the game NPC can be awakened, what else can he not believe? If he can find the reincarnation of his sister, he can really do something to make up for her in his last moments.

   Even if the other party never knows why.

   He will not let the other party have such doubts, he will think of a tenable reason.

   Now that he has been reincarnated, of course he doesn't want the events of his past life to reappear in front of her eyes, but he still wants to do something.

   After Qianyan got Ji Ying's birth date, she didn't make any calculations, and asked Ji Xin for her birthday, just to dispel the other party's doubts.

   Her soul power is extremely powerful, and it is easy to calculate these. Having experienced many worlds of cultivation, there are also countless calculation techniques.

   However, this time, she did not use the calculation method, and directly called the world consciousness of this world.

   With Ji Shuo's temperament, after obtaining the Ji clan, he will never do anything beneficial to the world consciousness.

   The other party has directly destroyed a game world that can evolve into a real world. This world depends on this world. If it can evolve successfully, this world is likely to be upgraded to a higher level world, which is good for world consciousness.

   She guessed that the world consciousness should agree to help find Ji Ying's reincarnation.

   She can calculate the whereabouts of Ji Ying, but she can only calculate the approximate direction and a small amount of information. It takes at least three days to find someone.

   If you help the world consciousness, you can find it in a while.

   Sure enough, after Qianyan tried to communicate with the world consciousness, the other party asked her if she was willing to help the world of "Sakura Blossom" evolve into the real world. After getting her affirmation, the other party informed her of Ji Ying's reincarnation.

   (end of this chapter)

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