Chapter 1387 Awakened NPC (25)

   Liu Ziyun frowned, she didn't like Jiang Xinxin's attitude very much.

   Usually Jiang Xinxin is very easy to get along with, speaks well, and has a soft voice, just like a soft girl.

   When it comes to Xuan Tingzhen, the other party's attitude becomes tough.

   "There is definitely no problem with safety. I'm here. What are you afraid of? It's just that you came to persuade him, but it's not eating you. It's not a solution for him to stay here like this now."

   Jiang Xinxin was really **** off this time, why didn't she know that Liu Ziyun's logic was so strange.

   It's normal to think about it, after all, they've only been roommates for more than a semester.

   Jiang Xinxin's tone became cold: "Since it's your friend, take good care of yourself."

   She hung up the phone, feeling that Liu Ziyun was inexplicable.

   Finally got rid of Xuan Tingzhen's entanglement, she didn't have time to burn the incense, so she went over there at this time, isn't she asking for trouble?

  Liu Ziyun was a little dumbfounded. Jiang Xinxin felt ashamed to show her face like this.

   This is just an episode. After Jiang Xinxin and her brothers and sisters got investment in the project, she was busy every day, and she didn't have time to pay attention to outside affairs for the time being.

   In the following days, I didn’t meet Liu Ziyun very often.

   Jiang Xinxin didn't feel much, Liu Ziyun was uncomfortable.


   finally ushered in Ji Shuo's order to create an accident, Wen Xuguang and Ji Xin knew in advance, and of course the accident was not created successfully.

   Soon, Ji Shuo was arrested for buying a murderer.

  Ji Xin handed over the previous voice package, and also indicated that it was given to him by a well-meaning hacker. But he never believed that Ji Shuo would do this, so he would wait until the other party did it. He didn't expect Ji Shuo to really let him down.

   Ji Xin didn't lie either, he did think so at first, but Ji Shuo was more urgent than he thought.

   Finally, the police found these recordings in Ji Shuo's mobile phone.

After    Ji Shuo was arrested, there was an uproar in the outside world, which shocked the entire gaming industry.

   Liu Ziyun was completely dumbfounded when he knew this. Now she doesn't care about anything with Jiang Xinxin.

   Ji Shuo did this kind of thing, of course the Liu family didn't want to continue developing between Liu Ziyun and Ji Shuo.

   Before the Liu family asked Ji Xin about the marriage contract between Liu Ziyun and Ji Shuo, Ji Xin announced to the public that there would be no adopted son Ji Shuo in the future, and dissolved the adoptive father-son relationship with the other party.

  Ji Shuo has done such a thing, and people outside think it is normal for Ji Xin's decision.

   Liu's family saw this and understood that Ji Xin gave up Ji Shuo, and there was nothing to say. Ji Shuo is not Ji Xin's adopted son, and now he has committed such a treacherous thing again. No one will say anything when they announce the unilateral termination of the engagement.

   The reason for the hesitation before was not because of Ji Shi.

   Shortly after announcing that he and Ji Shuo had released the adoptive father-son relationship, Ji Xin immediately announced that as long as the first player who cleared the game "Sakura Love" will be able to obtain Ji's inheritance.

   As soon as the news came out, the world was shocked.

   The main reason is that "Sakura Blossom" has a long history and is too famous. If you clear a game, you can get such a huge asset, which is simply child's play.

  Most people think that Ji Xin is going to break the jar because of Ji Shuo's matter.

  Ji Xin has never been married in his entire life. He is just such an adopted son, and he is still a white-eyed wolf. I am afraid that he is too sad to make such a decision.

   (end of this chapter)

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