Chapter 1400 Awakened NPC (End)

  This game is also deeply rooted in people's hearts and is inseparable from human life.

   Qianyan was sitting on her throne, and A Huai was also sitting on the throne not far from her, observing the big and small events happening in the Sakura Kingdom.

  Suddenly, they all had a meal and stood up at the same time.

   World evolution ends.

  This world has become the real world, and world consciousness has finally been born.

  A Huai: "Your Majesty, the world is different."

   Qianyan: "Indeed."

   "What song do you want to listen to?" Ah Huai asked.

   Qianyan: "Just that song of your new song Sakura Fly."

   Ah Huai bowed gracefully, walked to the piano and sat down.

When the    piano melody floated out, Qianyan listened silently, and she contacted Ji Xin after it was over.

   It didn't take long for "Sakura Blossom" to officially inform players that the game needs to be maintained for 24 hours, and the server will be shut down after two hours.

   Players are accustomed to the temporary notification of maintenance of this game, and they have been offline.

  Two hours later, Ji Xin made a copy of the game data of "Sakura Love" and migrated all the data.

   After the data migration was completed, Qianyan took Ah Huai in to check, because there were so many years of data, even if the real world was separated from here, it would be difficult for players to find out what was wrong with the NPCs.

  After all, Ji's technology has also improved. As long as he contacts with real people and collects information from the outside world, the more information the NPCs receive, the more reactions they will naturally have.

   In the past, most of the players were more addicted to infrastructure, building their own small home here, and did not have a deep understanding of NPCs.

   So, players can't find the game change.

   Besides, this game does not mark players and NPCs at all, and many times players may think they are in contact with real people.

   For players, the most important thing here is the game time ratio, and what they have built themselves.

   Regarding the game time ratio, with the help of Qianyan, the Ji Group has already mastered this technology. Of course, it can only be used in virtual games at present. If there are no accidents, there will be basically no breakthroughs in the next countless years.

   So even if she leaves, Ji can handle it completely.

   Confirmed that there is no problem, Qianyan returned to the real world of "Sakura Love" and said goodbye to Ji Xin.

   Ji Xin sighed in his heart, who would have thought that he actually participated in the design of a world, which is an incredible achievement. In this life, he has no regrets.

   "This parting is forever. I hope the cherry blossom world will continue to be better."

   Not long after, the connection between the two worlds was cut off.

   At that moment, Qianyan also returned to the wishing space. She looked back and saw that the new world consciousness was changing the rules.

   At the same time, the figure of the pretty girl in the wishing space gradually became illusory.

   "Sister Yan, thank you."

   Ji Qiao thought she would disappear, after all her wish had been fulfilled.

   Unexpectedly, she opened her eyes again and appeared in a castle with cherry blossoms in full bloom.

  It is different from the original, this time she is wearing a beautiful queen dress and still holds a scepter in her hand, but this is the queen's scepter.

   She felt that her body was no longer weak, but full of strength, as if a scepter knocked over there, it could shatter the stone pillar in front of her.

   Ji Qiaofu was so heartfelt, with a smile on his lips, he said, "I will take good care of this world."

   Ji Qiao glanced at the place next to the throne, and found that there were no dolls and no small thrones, she knew in her heart that the doll brother had left with Sister Yan.

   She thought of her family in the castle and hurried to find them.

   It didn’t take long for me to see my parents, as well as my brother.

   "Mom and Dad, brother." Ji Qiao ran over, "Today's cherry blossoms are blooming better, let's go out and watch together, okay?"

   The three of them looked at Ji Qiao, all smiled, and hurried over to pick her up. Even though she knew that her strength was very strong, she was still a little afraid that she might accidentally trip over.

   "Queen A Qiao has spoken, of course we are going." The boy touched Ji Qiao's head and said with a smile.

   Ji Qiao was a little dazed, they actually called her A Qiao, did they always know who she was?

   She remembered one thing. Except for the moment when the game was cleared, it seemed that these three people had never appeared before. What happened during this period?

  『This is a gift she left you. As if she expected you to come back, she sealed these three NPCs. When you come back to find them, they will wake up instantly and only recognize you. 』

   Ji Qiao's eyes were slightly red, she had a home, her parents and her brother, and it only belonged to Ji Qiao's parents and brother.

  『Ji Qiao, take good care of this world that was born because of you. 』

  Ji Qiao: "I will."

   Her life is no longer long, she will grow up, she will grow old and die, but in her lifetime, she will take good care of this place.

See you tomorrow




   Hahaha, there is another chapter to add.



   (end of this chapter)

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