All Aspects Are Kneeling and Begging the Villain Heroine To Be a Person

Chapter 1411: Don't be a cannon fodder **** (10)

   Chapter 1411 Don't be a cannon fodder **** (10)

   Mrs. Shang Shu was really angry enough, but there was nothing wrong with every sentence.

This time, Du Qixuan's eyes were red with anger: "Qianyan, why are you so embarrassing about the Shangshu Mansion? The Shangshu Mansion does not treat you badly on weekdays. If it weren't for the Shangshu Mansion, you and I would have starved to death on the streets. "

"So? You and I are selling ourselves into the mansion, and we signed a living contract. To put it bluntly, it means to work for the Shangshu mansion. Since I entered the mansion, although I am not as likable as you, I have never been sloppy in my work. What went wrong is that after you became Miss Shang Shu, we still regarded each other as sisters, and I took it seriously, which made some people unhappy."

"Today, I was so framed by others that the Shang Shufu easily concluded the case, and people had to doubt the deep meaning of it, whether they thought I was such a person, or whether they thought I could be dealt with." As soon as Qian Yan said this, Shang Shu The expressions of Madam and Feng Yucheng changed slightly.

  Du Qixuan's eyes were red, but the hand hidden in his sleeve was clenched tightly. When did this idiot become so smart?

   "Madam, if you don't let me out of the mansion, please give me a word, if not, we will go to the official mansion." Qianyan looked at Madam Shangshu fearlessly.

   If the other party hadn't cherished her reputation so much, she wouldn't have chosen to leave in this way today.

  Love fame and face, there is no problem at all, but it is easy to be used as a weapon.

   Mrs. Shangshu said with a constant smile: "Since you have made up your mind, then I will not keep you. It's just that when you leave the Shangshu mansion today, you won't be able to come in in the future."

   "Naturally, I didn't think about coming back."

   Mrs. Shang Shu grabbed her palm, and her words were really unpleasant, like a stinky and hard bone.

  Qianyan finally took the compensation from Mrs. Shangshu and a handwritten property certificate and left. She didn't take the jewelry, so let Du Qixuan owe the Du family's love.

   She can leave without a penny, making money is not difficult for her.

   However, when you can leave, you will be disgusted by a wave of Shangshufu people, why not do it?

  Du Qixuan seemed to be in a hurry, so he didn't catch up to talk to her this time, and just looked at her with disappointment.

   But Qian Yan didn't give Du Qixuan a look, almost making Du Qixuan faint.

After    left the house, Qianyan noticed that she was being followed.

   Originally, she wanted to go back to the small courtyard before, but when she knew someone was following her, she went to the suburbs.

After    quickly got rid of the little tail, she chose an inn to live in.

  The matter of saving the queen mother, she still has to do it, and being accepted as a granddaughter by the queen mother, her identity can rise to the sky in one step.

   The people around the Queen Mother are still the county owner, so it would be easier to kill the emperor.

  The original owner felt that the last time was too cheap for the emperor, which meant that he hoped that the emperor would die a little more painfully and die slower, and it was best to die without resting his eyes.

   She had to think about it and choose a way to die for the emperor.

   In her eyes, the emperor is already a dead person.

   In addition to Feng Yucheng, the emperor's son is a crown prince.

   To avoid chaos in the world, before killing the emperor, she needs to help a person to stabilize the situation.

   She is unwilling to see the world in chaos, and it is the people at the bottom who suffer, and such a result will not do her any good.

   Even if the world consciousness can't do anything to her, it is estimated that it will scold her in her ear every day.

  The prince always wanted to kill the emperor and Feng Yucheng, and she felt that he was a partner who could cooperate.

  According to the original owner's memory, this prince is actually talented and capable, and the position of the crown prince was very stable at the beginning.

   After Feng Yucheng came back, the emperor's mind changed.

  The prince, who was originally capable, became more and more irritable and became more and more ruthless. He often arranged assassins to engage with Feng Yucheng's people, and later even forced the palace.

  Let's take a look, if the prince is not good, she will choose one in the royal family to be promoted.

   The next day, Qianyan went to Baiwu Temple.

The original owner picked up the Queen Mother under the hillside of Baiwu Temple. It was not that someone harmed the Queen Mother, but she had something on her own. She dismissed the people around her and took a break in the small woods on the Baiwu Temple Mountain. She was scared by a snake and rolled down the hillside. .

   At that time, the original owner was annoyed. After worshiping the Buddha, he walked around under the Baiwu Temple Mountain, thinking about what to do next, and suddenly heard a faint cry for help in the grass.

   If she hadn't put the Queen Mother on her back in time to Baiwu Temple, the people above would not have found the Queen Mother rolling down the hillside from the grove.

  Qianyan followed the route of the original owner, and reached the place where she picked up the Queen Mother. She heard a faint cry for help, and saw a figure curled up in the grass.

  The queen mother is well maintained, but at this time her face is full of scars scratched by grass.

   Qianyan stretched out her hand to help him up: "How is the old lady?"

   "Little girl, please send me to the Baiwu Temple on the mountain. There are my people on it, and I will thank you." Seeing that she was a beautiful girl in her teens, the Queen Mother felt relieved.

See you tomorrow



   (end of this chapter)

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