All Aspects Are Kneeling and Begging the Villain Heroine To Be a Person

Chapter 1456: Attracting sickly perverted constitution (9)

   Chapter 1456 Attracting the sick and perverted constitution (9)

   Improving her own strength is the first thing she must do in every world.

   Compared to Qianyan who was doing two things at home, practicing and sleeping, Su Yao was more busy.

   He first went to buy a bucket of pig blood, drove to the door of a friend he knew, and took advantage of the night to write on the door of the other party with pig blood.

   After using up a bucket of pig blood, he planned to tie the tires again.

  Unfortunately, the cars of his friends are all in the underground garage, and he can't get in, so he chooses to go elsewhere to tie the tires.

   In the middle of the night, Su Yao, who had finally finished his work, finally returned home. Looking at the location of the community, his heart was heavy, and things were too strange tonight.

   The place he returned was the house on the same floor of Qianyan. When he stepped out of the elevator and looked in the direction of Qianyan's house, his face was pale and his eyes were full of terror.

   What did Yu Qianyan do to him?

   He wanted to knock on the door, but a subconscious voice told him that he could not disturb her at this time.

   Then he really didn't knock on the door, walked towards the door of his house, opened the door, entered the room, washed, and finally lay on the bed.

   He was not sleepy, and his mind was particularly awake, recalling what he did at night.

He took out his mobile phone and called the police, wanting to say that he was being manipulated and did some unreasonable things, but he said, "I punctured a lot of car tires and wrote words on other people's doors with pig blood. …”

At this point, Su Yao quickly shut up and hung up the phone with a snap, but it was too late.

   That night, Su Yao was taken away by the police.

   The next day, the bitter master went to the police station, and the people who knew Su Yao were surprised.

  When they saw the surveillance camera in the morning, they couldn't believe it, it was Su Yao who did that kind of thing with a weird smile on his face.

   What's more, Su Yao turned himself in to the police.

   "Su Yao, you have something wrong!"

   "Why don't you go to sleep at night, run to the gate of my house and write in big letters with pig blood? It's so frustrating!"

   "Just tell me, where did I offend you?"

   In the face of the accusations from his friends, Su Yao wanted to tell the truth, but every time he opened his mouth, he couldn't tell the existence of Qianyan, and he couldn't express a little bit of news with Qianyan. Not only can't speak, but also can't write.

   Every time he wanted to express this, he had an exploding headache, his head went blank, and he even suffered short-term amnesia.

  Su Yao finally understood at this time that he might have provoked someone who could not be provoked.

  No, Yu Qianyan was not like this at the beginning.

   When he saw Yu Qianyan for the first time, he was immediately attracted by the somewhat familiar figure, whose appearance and voice were very similar to another person.

  Yu Qianyan should have invited some kind of expert.

  How is he going to break this game?

   A kitten that was able to play with it at will, suddenly turned into a tiger with a bloodbath and a big mouth. He couldn't accept such a result.

  Su Yao's friends were able to solve it, but those who were punctured by tires were not so easy to deal with.

   In the end, Su Yao paid a huge sum of money, and the matter was over.

  Because he paid enough compensation and surrendered himself again, this matter was considered private. He did not detain him, but only criticized and educated him a few words. The police uncle and police sister suggested that he see a psychiatrist.

  Su Yao really accepted this suggestion and was accompanied by a few friends.

   These friends also think that Su Yao is abnormal, maybe he has a mental illness.

   After a series of examinations, Su Yao was normal.

  Su Yao did not go back to the house on the same floor of Qianyan. He now thinks that Qianyan is a very dangerous and terrible person.

  I didn’t dare to get close to her again without solving the problem of my body.

   (end of this chapter)

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