Chapter 1554 Short-lived daughter (21)

  Cao Jingxuan lamented that the masters are so powerful and treat money as dung, doing good deeds without asking for anything in return. So he waved his hand and donated money under the name of "Master Zhu".

  Wu Lili also called Qianyan and shared that she received last month's salary. It is said that the boss encountered a happy event. The salary of all employees last month was doubled and the bonus was tripled. Starting next month, each employee will receive a salary increase of 500 yuan.

  Qianyan Forget it, Wu Lili probably has 20,000 in her hands.

   "Yanzi, 20,000, my luck is too good, I just came across this great thing, ah, Boss Cao is really the best boss."

   "I don't know if Boss Cao has a company other than a factory. I would like to be his employee until I graduate."

   Qianyan agreed: "Your boss is really good, you can inquire."

   "Come out? I'll treat you to a big meal, whatever you want, and we'll go to the movies after we're done. It just so happens that one day you have a rest day, so you can set a time."

   Qianyan declined: "I'm going back to my hometown soon, I'll make an appointment later."

  Wu Lili is a little regretful, but thinking of making so much money for the first time, she is still a little excited that she has nowhere to put her five senses and limbs. After sharing with Qianyan for a long time, he returned to calm, and he kept talking about buying new clothes for Grandma Wu and honoring her old man.

  Chi Xiangming took Qianyan back to her hometown to worship her ancestors. This morning, she saw Chi Chao standing at the gate of the villa.

   "Dad, am I really your own son?" Chi Chao asked, if he hadn't gone for the test secretly, he really thought they were not related by blood.

  Chi Xiangming didn't get the land he wanted, he was in a bad mood, and now it's even worse. When he was about to scold, Chi Chao waved his hand: "Forget it, you all go back."

   "You are biological." Qianyan said, she was not.

   In order to kiss their son, these two couples are very good at calculating, and they calculated a life alive.

   Chi Chao smiled mockingly, without even looking at her, turned and left: "Going to the company."

   "It doesn't seem to be very important."

"Don't bother with your brother, just get in the car. I don't want to take him back for a day with his temperament. When I go back like this, I don't know how the Chi family will laugh at him, and my own sister can't tolerate it." Chi Xiangminghe Qianyan said.

   The two did not ride in the same car. In addition to the car they were in, there were many empty cars that followed to avoid accidents.

   There is nothing wrong with such preparations. The journey back was not smooth, and various accidents occurred. Fortunately, there were no surprises.

  The ancestral home of the Chi family is in Baoshi Town, Qingqu Village.

  The surname Chi is a well-known local surname. If you catch a person in Gem Town, there is an 80% chance that the surname is Chi.

   There was an empress from the ancestors of the Chi family, and this empress gave birth to a prince who later inherited the great lineage. There are also two champions, three tanhuas, a first-rank official, three second-rank officials, and several other officials. They are a big family that has been passed down for thousands of years, and the prosperity is still unabated.

  The car drove into Qingqu Village. The buildings in the village were simple and elegant, and all kinds of carved railings were very beautiful. Fangfo entered the real ancient world.

   After getting off the car, Qianyan followed Chi Xiangming into the ancestral house. Wash up, change into clean clothes, and say hello to the rest of the Chi family. It can be seen that the Chi family are all centered on Chi Xiangming, and their words are full of compliments and respect.

   Chi Xiangming's peers hardly have a picky one, which is really uncommon in a big family.

   (end of this chapter)

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