Chapter 1608 The abducted rich daughter (14)

  In the middle of the night, in a remote and secluded small mountain village, there was a sudden burst of noise, and all the sleeping people were awakened by the sound.

  Except for the men in the village who had never slept, the rest of the people soon came to the place where the noise was made.

   Facing the moonlight, I saw a small figure flashing above a certain room. She was holding a giant sword and slashing all over the room. The dust fluttered all around, throwing the faces of the onlookers.

   "Don't sleep in the middle of the night, come to my house to play with a kitchen knife, and don't sleep after that."

  The puzzled person heard the cold words of the little girl, and only then did they understand what happened.

  Tong Yinghuai hid in the night, looking at Qianyan who was busy wreaking havoc, his face was full of happiness. The person who sent him to this place never thought that such a character would come to Xiangyang Village, right?

   In ten minutes, a house was in ruins while Qianyan was busy, she jumped out of the ruins: "Chen Dazhu, the next house."

  Chen Dazhu did not dare to go against Qian Yan's words, so he forcibly supported Qian Yan on his limp legs and took Qian Yan to another room.

  Qianyan saw the house, and without a word, jumped up with the giant sword, and it was destroyed again.

  The onlookers were stunned and trembling.

  The men in the village are very helpless. They are always the only ones who bully others. This is the first time I have experienced the feeling of being bullied but unable to resist. As for trying to deal with her again, they have lost the courage.

  In their opinion, Qianyan no longer belongs to the category of human beings.

   "The village chief, you have to find a way to send this **** of plague away. One house in ten minutes, there are not many houses in the village for her to chop down."

  The village chief's mouth still hurts a lot. Fortunately, the medicine he used before was only rat poison, not pesticides. If it were pesticides, he would be lying in the hospital now. He was afraid for a while in his heart. Like everyone else, he was very afraid of Qianyan, and he couldn't have any thoughts to deal with her.

   Can't beat, can't poison, can't sneak attack, they are provoking a non-human.

  The other party only chops down their house now, and if they continue to provoke them, it is possible to kill them.

   "Call Wu Si tomorrow morning and ask him to come back and take people away."

"Village Chief, I've already called and told the situation, but Wu Si doesn't quite believe it." A man said with a sullen face, "He also said that we deliberately troubled him, and he won't come back until at least a month. "

"I'll call him tomorrow morning." The village chief's face was serious, and his tone was a little exasperated. "Tomorrow morning, I will take a few pictures of the ruins of the house and send them to him, so that he can see what plague gods they have brought back. He brought them back, he must Find a way to send it away."

   The man next to him didn't say more. Since the village chief wants to make a phone call in person, there is nothing else to say, as long as he can send that little evil star away.

After    Qianyan destroyed the three houses, she stopped. She glanced at everyone: "Whoever doesn't want to sleep tell me now, and I will help you solve it."

   Everyone's faces were full of horror, and they shook their heads quickly to show that they wanted to sleep, and she didn't need to solve it.

   "Go away." Qianyan raised her hand, dragged her sword and went back to sleep.

   She deliberately swept the floor, which had been swept clean, except for the faint smell of blood in the air, there was still a little trace of water infection on the ground, just because it was a concrete floor, it was a little absorbent.

   She doesn't really mind these things, she just made a random excuse to tease them.

   (end of this chapter)

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