Chapter 1613 The abducted rich daughter (19)

   As Qianyan had expected at the beginning, those who bought daughters-in-law in the village would at most criticize and educate them, and it was impossible to lock them up.

  This village has been abolished, it doesn't matter if they are caught or not. In the future, the men in this village will solve each other's difficulties and needs.

   And, they are also extinct.

  Those who killed people were arrested under Wu Si's testimony, and they also admitted what they had done, so there was a result.

   As for those men who got Wu Si, it must not be punished.

   But this time, both the women and the policemen who came to save everyone breathed a sigh of relief, even though they couldn't express their feelings in words.

Whether those who force women will be punished in the future depends on whether the victims will spend their energy to sue them. Obviously, this is a difficult and long road. It takes a lot of courage to take this step, at least for those who For victims it is.

   She has left a gift for the village, let's wait and see.

  The police took away the woman and three children who were willing to leave. Apart from Qianyan and Tong Yinghuai, there was another child who was slightly younger. Most of the people who bought children were not born to men. As for those who can't be taken away, try to persuade them as much as possible. If they still don't leave, then there is no other way. They can only inform their family members and pay more attention to them in the future.

They couldn't tell the slightest bit of information about Qianyan. The villagers were unwilling, but there was nothing they could do. They were even more afraid of Qianyan in their hearts, thinking that she was a demon.

   On the car, Shi Shuying and Tong Yinghuai sat on the left and right of Qianyan respectively.

   Both of them are a little nervous, Tong Yinghuai is better, in fact, as long as he is obedient, he will not suffer too much.

  Shi Shuying is different, her whole youth was buried here.

   She wanted to go out like crazy, and now that her wish has finally come true, she suddenly felt a little confused.

   She looked at the rough with countless cracks, and there were some black hands in the cracks, and touched the aging face, her eyes were red.

  Her family, will they accept her?

   She was ready to accept countless strange looks, but she was a little worried about what her family would think of her.

   "Don't be afraid." Qian Yan patted Shi Shuying's hand, "You can come again."

   "If your family doesn't accept you, you can find a simple job in another place, adapt to the outside world early, and do what you want to do. Haven't you wanted to go out for a long time?"

  Shi Shuying gained more courage. If it was an ordinary child who comforted her like this, it might not have done much.

   But in front of her is the reincarnation of a Sword Immortal. People like the Sword Immortal comfort her and don't look down on her. What else is there to be afraid of?

   can go out, and the fate has changed.

  Even if her youth is gone, she still has a small half of her life, so she can't just sit back and do something so she won't feel regret.

"If you succeed in a certain aspect and stand at the highest place, those strange eyes in the past will disappear. Even if there are some people with bad minds who say strange things, someone will help you fight back. This is the world, you are strong, You will be looked up to by everyone. If you are weak, you will be bullied by countless people. If you are strong, your life will be very inspirational. If you are weak and encounter hardships, some people will say that you are stupid to experience this." Qianyan whispered, "You should have read a lot of books and started higher than many people. It's okay to pick it up again."

   "You can't hurt you if you don't care about the eyes of those people."

   "If you care about yourself, you are not afraid that your family will not care about you. When you become famous, I don't know how many people will flatter you."

"Besides, I haven't seen them yet. What if they have been looking for you for a long time? It's a blessing to have such a family member. If you don't have it, you don't have to worry about it. You can't give up on yourself. This is the most terrible thing. If you give up on yourself, no one can Help, think about those who stayed."

   "You can accomplish something if you don't give up. It's better than being in a hurry. Now your savior is yourself. Living a happy life is also a very successful thing."

   (end of this chapter)

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