Chapter 1617 The abducted rich daughter (23)

   Of course, Xia Junhua noticed her obvious action.

   He also moved closer on purpose, and moved the phone to her position. Tao Xingyue's voice over the phone was a little light: "Junhua, don't you know that I have two meetings this afternoon?"

   "I told you in the morning, there is nothing to do today, don't call me, well, I will talk about it when I come back."

  The smile on Xia Junhua's face disappeared, and he quickly said: "Xingyue, wait a minute, I have received Yanyan, or would you have a word with her?"

   "Are you all right?" Tao Xingyue asked, her voice still not showing much enthusiasm, and she didn't hear any worries, she only felt the indifference of business affairs. As if he knew the news, he asked politely from the perspective of an outsider.

   Qianyan didn't feel much, these little things couldn't touch her.

  The girl in the wishing space seemed very silent. Even though she had known for a long time that her mother might not love her, when faced with such a cruel truth, her eyes were still hot, and her heart was filled with infinite grievances, and she wanted to cry.

   Her existence will never compare to Tao Xingyue's company.

   The other party doesn't love her at all, so why give birth to her? The girl fell into self-doubt. If she had never come to this world, she would not have experienced these pains and experienced the things that her biological mother did not love her time and time again.

   "The female police officer helped to check and there was no scar on her body, but after seeing Yanyan, she didn't say a word, so she couldn't help calling you. Maybe you said a few words, and she would speak."

   "It's fine, I'm going into the conference room soon, you bring people back first, and I'll talk about it when I come back at night." This time, Tao Xingyue didn't give Xia Junhua a chance to speak again, and hung up the phone.

Xia Junhua heard the beeping voice inside, and was a little helpless. After putting away the phone, he touched Qianyan's head and comforted gently: "Mom is going to participate in a very important meeting now, so I didn't mean to ignore you. , I'll be back to see you tonight."

  Qianyan still did not say anything, Xia Junhua added: "By the way, there are two younger brothers and sisters at home, and they will live with us in the future. You can also have a company, and you will no longer be alone."

   "Why are there younger brothers and sisters at home?" Qianyan finally spoke at this time, her tone possessing a childish desire.

  Xia Junhua said, "My parents specially brought it back to play with you."

   "Want to stay at home all the time?"

  Xia Junhua replied: "Yes, so Yanyan should be a sensible little girl and take care of her younger siblings in the future."

  Qianyan: "Why should I take care of them? They are not my biological siblings?"

   "I don't need younger siblings."

  Xia Junhua frowned slightly, and his expression was vaguely impatient. He didn't expect this to happen.

   "Dad, let them go back to their homes after they go back. I don't need playmates, and even if I need them, I'll find a playmate I like."

   Xia Junhua certainly couldn't agree: "Yanyan, they have no home."

"They were orphaned, their biological father died when they were born, and their mother died a while ago, and now they are homeless. Homeless children are very poor and will be bullied by many people. Bring them back Not only can I accompany you to play and have two more companions, but I can also give them a home so that they can grow up safely. Yanyan, can you say it?"

   (end of this chapter)

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