Chapter 1632 The abducted rich daughter (38)

   At first, she wanted to give it away, but after thinking about her own situation, she would have to support her children in the future, so she might as well keep her with her parents first.

  Furthermore, Feng Ziyang is not dead yet. As the saying goes, a thin dead camel is bigger than a horse. If Feng Ziyang makes a comeback in other places with funds, the dragon and phoenix will always be his child, and she is betting on one chance.

   In the bustling city, she also followed many men, but she basically never met a sincere one.

   Not only that, but he was also deceived and defrauded of money. Under the calculations of a cunning man, he owed a huge debt and basically had nowhere to go.

   At this time, she recalled Xia Junhua, who she had just met in college.

   He comes from a small place, has no money, but is handsome and caring and gentle to her.

   It can be said that in this world, Xia Junhua is the best man for her.

   She secretly inquired about Xia Junhua's situation, and learned that although he works leisurely and mostly takes care of the family, he has a lot of assets in his hands, and he will invest it whenever he has spare money. Tao Xingyue would not restrain Xia Junhua in this regard.

   So there was Wu Linghui, who was desperate, and planned to ask Xia Junhua for help, but unfortunately, Xia Junhua returned to her hometown, and she saw Tao Xingyue.

  I don't know what the two talked about, her debts were settled, and Xia Junhua was not found during this period.

   Until a few years later, she had a terminal illness. At the end of her life, the trustee got Xia Junhua's contact information and secretly contacted him.

  I don't know how she told Xia Junhua, Xia Junhua agreed to meet her and did not tell Tao Xingyue about it. .

   Later, Wu Linghui died and the original owner was abducted. Xia Junhua brought her two children back to her hometown for adoption.

   After reading all the information, Qianyan thought for a while.

  The problem should be in Tao Xingyue and Wu Linghui meeting, and Xia Junhua and Wu Linghui meeting.

   As long as you know what Wu Linghui and the two said when they met, you can basically understand what happened.

   Qianyan thought silently, or Xia Junhua misunderstood something.

   If that's the case, I don't know if Xia Junhua can stand it on the day when the truth is exposed.

  Tong Yinghuai: Are these materials useful? Sorry, the conversation between Wu Linghui and the two of them can't be obtained, only they know.

  Qianyan: Enough, you help me check Feng Ziyang.

  Tong Yinghuai: Someone has been arranged to find him.

  Feng Ziyang is still relatively easy to find, just like a week, Tong Yinghuai's people brought Feng Ziyang back.

  According to Tong Yinghuai, Feng Ziyang is a bit of a gambler now. He spends some money, and the other party will come back obediently.

After   Qianyan found out, he realized that this matter was about to be clear.

   A gambler like Feng Ziyang is easy to pass up.

   On Saturday morning, Qianyan packed up and was ready to go out.

  Xia Junhua saw her contact the driver to go out, so he stood up and said, "Yanyan, are you going out? Where are you going? Bring two bodyguards."

   "With bodyguards?" Qian Yan turned back, her eyes were mocking, those eyes that seemed to penetrate her heart made Xia Junhua feel uncomfortable. He didn't know what was going on, and he was getting more and more uneasy recently.

  People are not in front of him, he can not think about it.

With    people in front of him, his heart became more and more depressed, and he always felt that he should not have done that in the first place.

   But when he turned his head and thought, if he didn't start from here, it was absolutely impossible to achieve his goal. Whenever he does anything in other areas, Tao Xingyue will immediately notice that something is wrong.

   (end of this chapter)

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