Chapter 1636 The abducted rich daughter (42)

  Xia Junhua came back before Tao Xingyue, and every weekend he would take his twin brothers and sisters to play outside.

   He also asked Qianyan if he wanted to go with him. Although he knew the result when he asked, and even got ridiculed by her, he couldn't help but ask. The result, of course, was as he expected, Qianyan couldn't get along with him, and what he said was quite irritating.

   "No need Dad, I'm a little worried that it's fake that you took me out to play, and it's real that you kidnap me again."

   These words are really irritating, he can't see it, she just said it deliberately to laugh at him and get mad at him.

   In her eyes, he didn't see the slightest bit of fear.

   He could not refute a sentence, because he had done such a thing before.

   So far, he doesn't quite understand what she has gone through to make her character become like this.

   When Xia Junhua came back, he was a little surprised to see the guests at home.

In addition to the two rows of tall and mighty bodyguards, there were two unfamiliar faces sitting on the sofa, one was a clean and good-looking boy, only about ten years old, very oppressive, sitting there quietly, making people afraid to go get in a word.

  The other one is more average, a middle-aged man with an ordinary appearance and a fat figure, with a sloppy image.

   This man looked around, and his eyes fell on him. His eyes were very strange, which made him particularly uncomfortable. The other party's eyes seemed to be mocking him. Xia Junhua thought it was an illusion. Wherever there were people who didn't know him, they would mock him when they saw him. .

  Xia Junhua found Qianyan's existence. She was sitting on the sofa not far from the boy. At this moment, he remembered who the boy was. Wasn't it the boy he met last time when he went to the police station to pick up Yanyan and go home?

   His condition at the time was not as good as it is now. He guessed his identity, and he should also be one of the rescued children.

   With so many bodyguards going out, his identity as a teenager should be unusual.

  Xia Junhua's face suddenly changed.

  Perhaps, he knew why Yanyan was so familiar with the other party, maybe it was the people around them who had been kidnapped when they were abducted.

   Xia Junhua, who came to this result, was not happy. In fact, he was always annoyed by that decision, but if time went back to the beginning, he would still choose to start from here.

  No, he has no other chance.

   "Yanyan, is this your friend?" Xia Junhua asked again.

   Qianyan: "Yes."

  Tong Yinghuai followed: "Excuse me, Mr. Xia."

The name    made Xia Junhua's heart skip a beat. No matter what the other party's identity was, he felt that something was wrong with him calling him Mr. Xia so politely and indifferently.

  Xia Junhua felt a little uneasy, he simply said hello and returned to the house with his twin brothers and sisters.

  The brothers and sisters of the dragon and the phoenix couldn't please Qianyan here, and Xia Junhua had warned them privately, so they did not dare to touch Qianyan's bad head. After the two brothers and sisters greeted others, Jing Jing followed Xia Junhua upstairs.

  Feng Ziyang only looked at the siblings slightly, and didn't stop for much.

   His situation is not suitable for raising children, so he has no plans to recognize his relatives.

   Speaking of which, the money he left to Wu Linghui, and the house, were definitely enough to raise these two children.

   I didn't expect that the other party not only did not take good care of the children, but also did so many things.

   Thinking of Xia Junhua's performance of loving the two children, Feng Ziyang just thought it was very funny.

   He is a rotten guy, he doesn't do well, at least his brain is not as stupid as Xia Junhua.

   (end of this chapter)

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