Chapter 1640 The abducted rich daughter (46)

  Only Qianyan, Tong Yinghuai, Feng Ziyang, Tao Xingyue, and Xia Junhua were left in the study.

   "Ms. Tao Xingyue, now I want to tell you one thing. The reason why I was kidnapped at first was planned by Mr. Xia Junhua. He worked hard for two years to plan this incident."

  Qianyan saw that Xia Junhua was deflated like a balloon, and she didn't forget to look at her, as if she was questioning why she still exposed him.

"I said before that I didn't expose you, because I didn't investigate it clearly. Now I'm disclosing you, of course, the investigation is almost done." Qian Yan looked at Xia Junhua as if looking at a fool, "You won't feel hurt me, I will help you. Cover up the crime? Stupid."

  Xia Junhua has never been scolded like this, and has been praised for being smart since the beginning of his studies.

   He was actually called a fool by his own daughter, and in front of so many people, no matter how good-natured people are, they are about to explode.

   "Why, are you still angry?" Qian Yan sneered to the maximum, "Did you not do those things, I will put some evidence below."

   Qianyan turned on the projector and played all the evidence he had found.

   Tao Xingyue was a little dazed when Qian Yan said this answer, and quietly watched the evidence presented to the end, before she set her eyes on Xia Junhua's face.

   "Xia Junhua, give me a reason."

   She trusted Xia Junhua very much, but she didn't expect to be bitten by the people around her in the end. .

Xia Junhua was silent, and Qianyan could see his inner thoughts at a glance: "You don't think I only have these evidences, do you? The things you plan will not succeed, I already have everything. If you think about them again, they will not be able to follow them. Your idea gets Dow."

   "They?" Tao Xingyue was not a fool, she instantly understood that they were referring to Xia Siyuan and Feng Siqian.

  Tao Xingyue fell into contemplation again. The first thing she suspected was whether the original paternity test had been manipulated. Xia Junhua had actually bribed the people around her.

   If not, how could the other party hide from her eyes?

   When we arranged for people to investigate the two children, they learned that they had nothing to do with Xia Junhua and had never been in contact with them before, so they did not investigate further. That being said, she wasn't careful enough.

Xia Junhua lost all resistance, and finally raised his head and said, "This matter has nothing to do with the two children, I did it all by myself. Now that you have found out, my plan will no longer be successful. Let's talk."

   "That's right, it was me who arranged for people to kidnap Yanyan, and it was my plan to arrange for the adoption of two children to seize Tao's property."

Tao Xingyue was very angry: "You betray me after eating inside and out? Xia Junhua, I have never treated you badly for so many years. Is that what you did to me?"

"Hahaha," Xia Junhua laughed, pointing to Tao Xingyue and said, "Yes, you are all very good, I used to think that although our days were not vigorous, they were plain and warm, and each performed his duty to maintain the family. And a smart and well-behaved daughter."

   "But, all of this is fake. All happiness is your plan at the beginning. If you hadn't used those means, I might not have had such a glorious and rich life, but it must be hard work and happiness."

   Tao Xingyue's face was inexplicable. Xia Junhua pointed at her nose and scolded her. She had never seen it before: "I plan, what do I plan? Isn't it a matter of course for us to be together?"

   "I, Tao Xingyue, choose a man, and I still need careful planning. Who will believe it?"

   "When we were together, didn't you think it was suitable, but I also thought it was suitable?"

  Xia Junhua said bitterly: "You still don't admit it, if it wasn't for you and that scumbag Feng Ziyang, would Linghui leave me?"

   "Later Linghui came to me in desperation, but you cut off her beard. You threatened her and gave her a sum of money to tell her never to come to me."

   Tao Xingyue frowned into a Sichuan character, looking at Xia Junhua with red eyes and resentment, and said, "I always knew that you were not very smart, but I didn't expect you to be so stupid!"

   "Look, you never looked down on me."

   Tao Xingyue laughed angrily: "Idiot, idiot."

See you tomorrow



   (end of this chapter)

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