Chapter 1645 The abducted rich daughter (51)

   Feng Ziyang's fingers trembled, he smiled shyly, pinned the cigarette to his ear, and continued to tell the story of him and Wu Linghui.

   After the story was finished, Xia Junhua sat on the ground like a piece of wood.

   "So you and Wu Linghui belonged to the twins?" Tao Xingyue asked.

   Feng Ziyang nodded uncomfortably: "Yes, you don't know about this?"

"I didn't check it carefully, but I only knew that Wu Linghui was pregnant. Later, everyone who knew her knew that after you ran away, she had an induced labor operation, which caused her physical injury." Tao Xingyue said, "It seems that this rumor is that She let it go by herself."

   Feng Ziyang was a little speechless: "She is very good at making up stories and making up stories, but she is really beautiful. If I didn't have an accident, I wouldn't mind having such a lover."

   Tao Xingyue ignored Feng Ziyang.

  Xia Junhua came back to his senses, quickly got up from the ground and rushed in front of Qianyan: "Yanyan, Dad is wrong."

   Qianyan put her hand on her chin, wrong?

  Is it useful to know what is wrong?

   If you admit your mistake, will the damage done to the original owner disappear?

   "You want me to forgive you?"

  Xia Junhua was stunned, forgive me? How could she possibly forgive him, he did such a beastly thing.

   The self-imposed revenge turned out to be a joke from beginning to end.

  He is a fool!

   He really is an idiot.

   "I'm an idiot! I'm an idiot! Slap, slap, slap, I'm really an idiot." Xia Junhua slapped himself frantically, hitting hard and hard, and his face was red and swollen in just two hits. .

   His eyes were red, he kept fanning and scolding.

  Fortunately, my daughter is fine.

  Qianyan looked at the happiness in his eyes, and laughed in his heart. He didn't stop it, Tao Xingyue didn't stop it, and the others would not stop it.

   Seeing that he would faint if he continued to fight, Tao Xingyue finally said: "Go and go through the formalities, those two children can't be in Tao's house. You brought them, and you are responsible for taking them away."

  Feng Ziyang followed with a smile: "If you like it, take it with you. I'm just a prodigal son who is not suitable for raising children. Let me raise them. Maybe one day I will lose in the casino."

   In fact, not so much, he just felt that bringing two little devils would be a hassle and a threat to him. Besides, those two little ghosts had as many thoughts as Wu Linghui, and he was really afraid.

   Mentioning the two children made Xia Junhua even more remorseful and couldn't help crying.

  Tao Xingyue is still an activist, and soon went through the divorce procedures with Xia Junhua. The dragon and phoenix brothers and sisters followed Xia Junhua. Naturally, Tao Siqian could no longer be named Tao, but changed her surname back to Feng.

   "Xingyue, I'm really sorry."

   It's not that he doesn't want to keep it, but that he is not qualified to keep it at all.

   "You remember to surrender yourself." Tao Xingyue said.

   "I will." Xia Junhua looked at Tao Xingyue in the car, annoyed emotions kept surging up, he was such an idiot!

   "When I settle down, the two children will turn themselves in."

   "That's your business, you don't have to tell, you should know that I don't like their identity."

"I'm sorry, it's my fault." Seeing that Tao Xingyue was about to start the car and leave, Xia Junhua suddenly said, "Xingyue, be nice to Yanyan, I know I'm not qualified to say this, but I still want to say, you The demands on her are too high..."

   Tao Xingyue said: "She is very smart."

   "It's better than adults, and it proves that my idea is not wrong."

  Tao Xingyue did not give Xia Junhua a chance to speak again and drove away.

  Qianyan still stayed at the Tao's house. She was waiting for Xia Junhua to surrender herself and go to jail. After all, she still had a big gift to give to the other party, so how could it be enough?

   On this day, Xia Junhua came to Tao's house and indicated that he wanted to see Qianyan.

   "Yanyan, Dad is going to turn himself in."

   "I'm really sorry, it's all Dad's fault."

   "Dad is too stupid to cause you harm."

   "I know that no matter how I apologize, I can't get your forgiveness, so I don't expect you to forgive me."

   Qianyan approached Xia Junhua and looked directly into the other person's eyes: "I have a truth to tell you, do you want to know?"

  Xia Junhua felt a sudden shock, and his face was full of confusion, but his daughter was still willing to talk to him. He pretended to be calm and asked, "What is the truth?"

See you tomorrow



   (end of this chapter)

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