Chapter 1648 The abducted rich daughter (54)

   "For this, she gave her soul, and when I finish this world, she will disappear."

   "Gone forever, no afterlife."

   The girl in the wishing space suddenly lost her sadness, and looked at System 666 a little blankly.

  System 666: [Master host makes up a story, don’t be afraid, we only charge half to activate the space-time channel and integrate into the world, not so blackhearted. 】

   Of course the girl believed it, otherwise she would still be here?

   Soon she knew why Qianyan said that.

  Xia Junhua was in even more pain, lying on the ground and wailing. Hearing the woo woo sound made him extremely desperate.

   "I'll tell you about her past life experience, and then howl later."

  Xia Junhua raised his head again, his face was as white as paper, his whole body was as dead as a corpse, he said in a hoarse voice: "Is there anything worse than this?"

   He felt that his soul was about to be broken, what could be worse than this?

Qianyan stood up straight and fell down word by word: "Tao Shuxia was kidnapped and lived in Xiangyang Village for many years. She didn't want to, and she suffered a lot of suffering and humiliation for this. She endured such days and nights, expecting to return home alive. With someone's advice, she finally calmed down and planned to escape. She was lucky here and escaped after a few years."

Seeing Xia Junhua's look of hope, Qian Yan continued: "She thought she could throw herself into the warm embrace of her parents after she went out, but what she got should be concern, but I didn't expect you to give her two swords. A pair of twin brothers and sisters occupied the place. After taking her position, he laughed at her in private, hated her, and framed her. Tao Xingyue, who was already harsh on her, felt even more ashamed of her. She's crazy and vexatious."

"The father who she thought was always gentle and treated her very well, that is, you, didn't seem to scold her, but stabbed her in the heart in another way. You helped the tyrant and stood by and watched her being bullied. When she endured the storm and finally despaired, she also said the last sentence, her performance disappointed you. She became more and more extreme, and you all felt that she was no longer suitable for being at home. After negotiation, she was sent to a mental hospital. In the end, she died. Now, in order to see a normal life, I can't even save my soul. It's all thanks to you."

   "Is this ending worse than the previous one? You had a chance to pull her out, but you didn't. So, what's the use of your confession?"

  Xia Junhua's eyes were bleeding, and he started beating his head again, pulling his hair, and slapping himself.

   "I'm wrong, it's my fault, it's my fault, it's my fault, it's my fault! Why is this happening, it's me who should be punished..."

   "Remember to save yourself a life, live well, and don't die too fast." Qianyan passed Xia Junhua and heard Xia Junhua roaring and crying behind him, all kinds of repentance.

   When she was about to go downstairs, Xia Junhua caught up in embarrassment: "Is there anything that can be saved? Let her have an afterlife."

   Qianyan turned back: "No."

   "I can pay the price of my soul, as long as Shuxia can have an afterlife, is that okay?" Xia Junhua looked at Qianyan eagerly, all begging inside.

   Seeing Qianyan not moving, he knelt down and kowtowed with a plop.

   "No way, your soul is filthy and the quality is not good, so you can't do it." Qianyan said, "Don't kowtow to death."

   "Can I see her?"

   Qianyan: "What are you daydreaming about? Are you qualified to see her?"

   Qianyan went downstairs and ignored Xia Junhua again.

   He lost his strength, his body was covered in blood, and his face was slumped on the ground in despair, beating on the ground like a sapo, and insulting himself in various ways.

   "Xia Junhua, you are so stupid."

   "Xia Junhua, your life is really a joke."

   "Xia Junhua, you are blind."

   "You believe what people say."

   "You are hopelessly stupid."


   "You deserve it."

   (end of this chapter)

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