Chapter 1650 The abducted rich daughter (56)

   Combined with many cases, she was finally able to weave a dream for Tao Xingyue.

  From the first day of the evolution of the dream, Tao Xingyue's life, as long as she closes her eyes, will experience all kinds of abductions, scams, and the methods inside are hard to prevent. If she can't get out of trouble in time, she will experience everything that the original owner has experienced, and experience the feeling of being unable to help herself in the dream.

The dreams written by   Qianyan are all derived from reality and are very terrifying. There are traps waiting for Tao Xingyue in almost every direction.

   She also used a 30 to 1 time formation, and Ms. Tao Xingyue's night would be much longer than ordinary people.

   I just don't know if Ms. Tao Xingyue, who has always been self-proclaimed smart and thinks that she will not be kidnapped if she has a sense of precaution, can find a way out.

   Qianyan has been practicing for a long time, but using her soul power so intensely still caused some burden to her body.

   About two hours later, the blood vessels under her skin seeped out a little blood.

   If she hadn't practiced, her skin would probably have cracked by now.

   Fortunately, she is about to finish the weaving of the dream.

   Half an hour later, she checked Tao Xingyue's mental state, and she felt that there was no omission, so she stopped.

   She put down her hands and chose to sit on the side chair to rest for a while.

   Five minutes later, Tao Xingyue woke up and opened his eyes to see Qianyan, whose face was slightly pale. .

  Qianyan was originally meditating, adjusting his body condition, and opened his eyes when Tao Xingyue stared at him.

   The two looked at each other, Tao Xingyue suddenly remembered what happened before, and her eyes instantly turned cold: "Tao Qianyan, do you know what you are doing?"

   "Ms. Tao Xingyue, you are a little excited. Didn't you say that as long as you have sufficient precautions, there will be no accidents? But you were successfully attacked by me. If I were a bad person, you should be dragged to the mountain village now."

   Tao Xingyue was very angry, stood up, pointed at Qianyan and said, "Leave my study immediately, I will not give you a second chance."

   Qianyan's attack on her before, really made Tao Xingyue a little annoyed, she was actually counted by a child.

   The experience just told her that although Tao Qianyan is a child, it can bring her danger.

   Even if the other party is her daughter, she should be on guard when they are alone.

   Qianyan left Tao Xingyue's study, but did not go back to her room, but went to the gate of the villa, opened the gate, and Tong Yinghuai and his bodyguards were waiting there.

  Tong Yinghuai: "Can we go?"


  Tong Yinghuai hurriedly opened the car door, and suddenly found her face pale, worried: "What's wrong with you?"

   "I didn't eat dinner."

   "So I'm hungry." Tong Yinghuai was a little angry, "You can't stay in the Tao family, but they don't give you food."

   "Fortunately, I prepared something to eat, let's drink some milk first." Tong Yinghuai took out a carton of milk, took out a straw and handed it to Qianyan.

   Seeing Qianyan drinking milk, he was a little happy. Although the little immortal is a little immortal, he has lived for tens of thousands of years, but his current body is a child.

  Since he is a child, he must keep up with all kinds of nutrition, and there is nothing wrong with putting a carton of milk in the car.

"Xia Junhua originally found a good couple for adoption by the dragon and phoenix brothers and sisters. He didn't know what happened two days ago, but he regretted it and sent them back to their original place, which is Wu Linghui's hometown. It will be better."

   Seeing that Qianyan was not very interested, Tong Yinghuai said another thing: "Do you remember Xiangyang Village?"

   "Remember, what happened over there?"

"It's something," Tong Yinghuai looked at Qianyan when she said this, as if I knew this matter must have something to do with you, Qianyan was very calm, and Tong Yinghuai had to say, "The men in that village can't control it. I lived in the village, and it was abandoned after a period of chaos in the village. No reason has been found yet. When people from the outside world knew about it, they all said that it was retribution."

   "Yeah." Qian Yan was still very calm, as if this was a very common thing.

   She was thinking what kind of experience Ms. Tao Xingyue would have tonight.

   Late at night, Tao Xingyue fell asleep.

   After an unknown amount of time, she suddenly opened her eyes and it was white outside. When she came back to her senses, she vaguely felt that she didn't remember anything.

See you tomorrow



   (end of this chapter)

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