Chapter 1654 The abducted rich daughter (60)

   She dialed the internal line and called in the assistant.

   "Mr. Tao, what's your order?"

   "Arrange me a psychiatrist as soon as possible."

   "Okay, Mr. Tao."

   That afternoon, Tao Xingyue received treatment from a psychiatrist, and her condition seemed much better.

   At night, after she finished her work, she was a little afraid to sleep.

   In the end, his body couldn't support it, and he fell into a deep sleep again. This sleep, he returned to the familiar small mountain village, forgetting everything outside.

   She finally found a way to get rid of the child and began to make other plans.

   For seven years, she escaped from the small mountain village.

   Looking at the flickering lights and the bustling city, Tao Xingyue laughed heartily.

   Thinking of her long-lost family, she felt a little uneasy.

   The person who came to pick her up was her mother, and her father was a professional man.

  Looking at her mother, who was dressed in wealth and her appearance did not change much, Tao Xingyue was stunned, remembering how much she had experienced all these years of old age, standing with her mother, she would still look older, and she felt very sad. .

   She instinctively threw herself into her mother's arms, wanting to vent her grievances over the years.

   She wants her mother's comfort and care, she needs it so much.

   When she cried enough and stood up, her mother's clothes were wet, which made her a little nervous, but thinking that this was her mother, the other party should not dislike it.

   When she looked at it subconsciously, her mother frowned slightly, and the way she wiped her clothes with a tissue still hurt her eyes.

  In the car, Mom explained to her that Dad was busy with the company and didn't have time to come.

   She doesn't look forward to going home as much as before. The mother who once loved her seems to be different.

   Back at the familiar home, a little boy came out and threw himself into his mother's arms.

   She found that her mother looked extremely gentle and cared about everything about the little boy. She couldn't help but step back. Who is this? In fact, she had some guesses in her heart.

   "Mom, who is this aunt?" the little boy asked.

  Tao Xingyue's tears rolled down at once. She couldn't help but cry, but she couldn't help it. She felt that she should not cry because of her temperament, but she couldn't control it.

   was filled with grievance and anger.

   "This is your sister."

   "Why is my sister so old?"

   "Looks like an aunt, older than mom, mom, can I not have this kind of sister?"

   Mom said softly, "You can't say that about your sister, it's very impolite."


   Tao Xingyue found that the former home was no longer her home.

  My younger brother disliked her very much. No matter whether he was at home or outside, he was unwilling to call her sister, and even more unwilling to play with her. Even if he didn't say it, the dislike on his face could not be concealed. Everywhere she touched, the other party felt dirty.

  Although her mother was always gentle, she never took her to parties. Once she followed her, causing her mother to lose face. After that, every time the other party went out, she would be locked at home.

   Dad didn't care about these, let alone her situation.

  When she was in trouble, she only came forward and blamed her a few words.

   In this family, she was despised by everyone.

   When my brother's friends came to the house and knew that she was his sister, they all showed sneering eyes.

   Since then, she has accepted more hostility. The younger brother began to frame her and let her be scolded.

   She could no longer control her, and she often clashed with her younger brother.

   (end of this chapter)

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