Chapter 1656 The abducted rich daughter (62)

  If the company is donated, in Tao Xingyue's opinion, her daughter is still very good. Even if she is very angry with such a result, it is not very able to abuse her.

   Attacking Tao Shi will make Tao Xingyue uncomfortable, but it will not hurt Tao Xingyue's heart.

  Qianyan chose to weave a dream, let Tao Xingyue fall into a dream every night, and personally experience falling into a scam one by one. Facing the traps in all directions, no matter how clever she is, she can't escape.

   When Tao Xingyue's so-called ingenuity can never avoid those traps, she will feel helpless and hopeless every time she will feel helpless and hopeless. Only then can she feel the real frustration.

   I don’t know if she will feel the pain of the original owner when she can’t bear it, or will she choose to beg her for mercy and give up everything to restore her normal dream.

   Maybe not.

   But it doesn't matter, her purpose is just to make the other person uncomfortable and uncomfortable.

   "It's only been a week, and she's so restless."

  Qianyan held the pen in her hand and wrote her homework: "Ms. Tao Xingyue, who has always been very smart, seems to behave in the same way as the unsmart people she usually say when facing those crises."

   "I'll meet her sometime later and ask her how she's feeling."

  Tong Yinghuai's hands trembled, is this a murderous intention?

   After rectifying the other party, do you want the other party to describe the feeling of being rectified?

   The next day, Qianyan walked out of the school gate after school and met Xia Junhua.

  Xia Junhua was a little more haggard than before, and he didn't look angry, like a piece of wood. .

   When he saw Qianyan, his eyes recovered a little, and he hurried over to stop Qianyan: "I'm going to turn myself in."

   He was looking at the words Qianyan said, but Qianyan clearly felt that he was speaking to Tao Shuxia.

  Xia Junhua didn't react when he saw Qianyan, knowing that he couldn't see Tao Shuxia, he covered his face with his hands, tears streaming from his fingers: "I will live and accept the punishment."

"I sent them back to Wu Linghui's hometown," Xia Junhua said. "I originally wanted to sell them, but after thinking about it, it would be bad if the people who bought them treated them well. How could Wu Linghui's children be? How are you doing? They are also one of the murderers who killed Shu Xia. After thinking about it, I think it would be worse to send them back to Wu Linghui's hometown."

   "Those people in Wu Linghui's hometown will not treat them well."

   Thinking of Tao Shuxia's tragic life, Xia Junhua was full of anger, but had nowhere to vent.

   He was disappointed when he saw that Qianyan was still indifferent.

"What does Shu Xia want me to do? If Shu Xia says to sell them, I will go back and do it right away." Xia Junhua looked a little crazy, "If it wasn't for Wu Linghui, Shu Xia wouldn't die, we are still a good family. It's all to blame. She, it's all her, and the two little ones have been taught badly long ago, and they actually bullied my Shu Xia."

  Qianyan finally spoke: "Tao Shuxia only has a wisp of soul left, and he has long been unable to speak, almost a little bit of consciousness, and he can't even express his own thoughts."

  Xia Junhua burst into tears when he heard it, and started beating himself again, calling himself a **** and a fool, admitting all kinds of mistakes.

After    Qianyan got in the car and left, Xia Junhua stood there blankly for a long time before leaving.

   He did not turn himself in immediately, but went to Wu Linghui's hometown.

   Seeing that the twin brothers and sisters had lost the good days they used to be, they were being scolded at a young age, they were helping the family with rough work, their hands were frozen red, and he wanted to cry, but he didn't dare to cry, and he felt a little happy.

   Let them have a lot of thoughts at a young age and kill his Shu Xia.

   (end of this chapter)

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