Chapter 1671 Mud Doll Xiuxian Ji (6)

   "I don't need a golden body." Qianyan said.

  The people in the Nixian Temple felt that today's Nixian-sama was particularly indifferent, not as gentle as before, and their hearts were panicked.

   After finally making such a sincere request, there must be a fairy who responds.

  If she doesn't help in the future, what difficulties do they encounter, who should they turn to?

   "What does Lord Nixian want? As long as you can help Xiangguang grow a finger, I'm willing to do anything. It doesn't matter if I give up my life." Li said hurriedly.

  Qianyan's tone was still indifferent: "I am born to grow up, I eat the essence of the sun, moon and stars, and I am not immune to incense, and I don't care about the common things in the mortal world. I have no effect on your life."

   Mr. Li didn't seem to have heard this, and his forehead knocked on the ground. The old wound was not healed, and now he has a new one. The drowsiness and pain in her brain made her nauseous, but thinking that this was the only fairy who could help Chen Xiangguang grow her fingers, she gritted her teeth and continued to kowtow.

   "Poor kind mother, Lord Nixian, please help her." Some people couldn't see it, so help and beg for mercy.

   The first one to intercede, and the second one to kowtow after Mrs. Li. Although not as diligent as Li's, his face is also sincere. .

  Who doesn't know that only sincerity can move Lord Nixian.

   After a while, the Nixian Temple was full of people kneeling, and a lot of people were kneeling outside.

   As soon as the newcomer found out what happened, he kowtowed and pleaded for mercy.

  Li looked very excited when she saw so many people helping her, and thanked everyone, and then kowtowed even harder.

   Seeing that the entire Nixian Temple is surrounded by people, there is a kind of posture that Qianyan will not be able to kneel if they do not agree.

   In the face of moral kidnapping, Qianyan has always been unaccustomed to it.

   It seems that these people are affectionate and righteous, but in fact they just kowtow twice and bow to her twice. This kind of generosity can be done by anyone.

   Anyway, it was not them who spent the spiritual energy in the end.

   "You are all interceding for Li's mother and son? Do you want Chen Xiangguang's fingers to grow again?" Qianyan's voice resounded all around the Nixian Temple, clearly reaching everyone's ears.

  The faces of everyone were happy. Seeing Qianyan taking care of them, they thought she was moved by her sincerity.

   "Yes, please also ask Lord Nixian to help Li's mother and son."

"People are not sages, how can they be blameless? Now Chen Xiangguang has reflected on himself and will not gamble again in the future. He is a scholar, and he is about to take the next exam. Maybe we can have another Juren master in Qingyun County. "

   Everyone interceded for Li's mother and son. Li's face showed gratitude and vowed to supervise Chen Xiangguang and not let him get involved in gambling again.

  Chen Xiangguang, who was originally dead, seemed to have seen hope, his eyes became more sincere, and he made various vows in front of Qianyan.

   "Your kindness really moved me," Qianyan said at this time, everyone quieted down, looked at her with joy, and shouted, "Master Nixian is kind."

  Qianyan will not be overwhelmed by these compliments, and her heart will be very calm.

  The original owner will be fascinated by these compliments for a while because she has no experience. No one is perfect, not to mention that she is just a clay doll who has cultivated consciousness, and no one has taught her. Since I have been able to cultivate to the present, my heart has been devoted to goodness, I have never thought of harming others, and I have never gone down a wrong path. I have already grown up quite well.

   On the contrary, she believes that the original owner has grown up very fast, and that he has only been in harmony with people for decades, which can be said to be a gifted talent.

   (end of this chapter)

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