Chapter 1678 Mud Doll Xiuxian Ji (13)

   "Congratulations, your realm has broken through." Qianyan said.

  The clay doll bowed out of thin air: "Cultivation really has no end. It turns out that there is another realm beyond the perfection of Taoism. Thank you, fellow Taoist."

   After the exchange with the clay dolls, Qianyan circled around the willow trees a few times, preparing to find a place to start practicing.

   Just then, she heard some voices.

   "I heard that there is a Nixian Temple nearby."

   "It is said that there is a clay doll inside. I haven't seen it yet, but today I can count it."

   "This is the Nixian in the Nixian Temple, it looks small."

   "It's the first time I've seen a clay doll that can float. Is this a flying clay?"

   "Her body is really petite, she can fly so neatly, and she doesn't struggle at all."

   "I am so envious of her that she can float around. Woohoo, in my situation, I don't know how many years of practice it will take to float around."

   "Come on, you can't even get rid of your primordial spirit, and you still want to float around with your original body. It is still possible to cultivate for another thousand and eight hundred years."

   "Don't talk about me, you are not the same, we have so many willow trees, only the young master can get rid of the soul."

"Young Master is different from us. He fell from the sky and is naturally gifted, but we were planted here, how can we compare? One from the sky and one from the ground, the difference is huge. "

   Qianyan understood for a while that it was these willow trees that were communicating.

   Through their prompts, she began to look for the willow tree that fell from the sky, and only then did she find that the one under her was the willow tree with the strongest demon power. Although it was covered up, it could be seen through careful searching.

  The reason why I chose this willow tree before is that this willow tree really grows very well. The slender green leaves are better than other willows. The trunk, branches, and leaves are all perfect. Of course, this place is also excellent for absorbing the essence of the sun, moon and stars.

   Arrangement here can do more with less.

   After looking at it, she discovered another thing.

   This willow tree falls in an excellent location. It will not damage the original evil spirit formation, but also strengthen the formation, so that all willow trees can absorb the essence of the sun, moon and stars. Since this willow tree is the strongest, it means that the opponent should fall to this position intentionally.

   She secretly guessed that the person who planted the willow trees at the beginning probably just wanted to set up a simple evil spirit array to prevent the evil spirits from harming Liuhe Village.

  The willows can give birth to consciousness and become sprites, thanks to the willow tree under her.

   "She seems to be stuck on the son's body."

   "Why doesn't the son make a sound, is he entering meditation?"

   "What is she doing with her hands moving?"

   "Huh? A lot of sun, moon, and star essences fell in her direction. What's going on?"

   "She looks amazing, no wonder so many people worship her as a clay fairy."

   Qianyan didn't care that the willows were whispering and communicating. After setting up the spirit gathering formation, he arranged another time acceleration formation before he sat down to practice.

   "She's practicing."

   "She absorbed the essence of the sun, moon, and stars very quickly. Was it because of the few fiddling just now? What is that?"

   "Young master is erudite and talented, you must know."

   "We'll ask again when the young master wakes up."

At this time, the clear voice belonging to the young man entered the ears of the willow trees: "She just arranged a spirit gathering formation and a time acceleration formation. It is not surprising that the gathering spirit formation can be used, so it can be seen that she has a certain understanding of time. Comprehension, the road is not easy."

   "Master, haven't you entered meditation?"

"Master, she is sitting on top of you to practice, why don't you bounce her off? There was a bird that landed on your body in the past, and you bounced the bird far away without saying a word. Unlike us, the bird always It will drop two **** down, it's annoying."

   "Yeah, the young master also used psychedelic techniques to prevent the villagers from climbing the body, not hanging things on the body, and ignoring you directly."

  Because of these deeds, the willows all feel that the son is noble and clean, and does not like being touched.

Facing the willows' doubts, the boy's voice sounded again: "My psychedelic art has no effect on her. If I deliberately psychedelic her, it is easy to cause conflicts. I am not her opponent. If there is damage, it is also good for me to arrange the formation above."

   "It turns out that the young master can't beat this clay doll."

   (end of this chapter)

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