Chapter 1684 Mud Doll Xiuxian Ji (19)

   "It's just that there are still some things that are gone now, and when it comes, they will abandon this temple."

   Bai Yaozi felt relieved when she heard that she was not obsessed with these. Being able to practice Taoism with a mud body now, it can be seen that the immortal predestined relationship is not shallow. Once she is involved with incense, she is afraid that it is not easy to get out of her identity.

Bai Yaozi took out a jade plaque and sent it to Qianyan: "This is a guide for the poor Daoist, this is a return gift for the Taoist friend to help the poor Daoist disciple once. If you encounter any difficulties in the future, you can use the road sign to find the poor Daoist. road."

  Qianyan did not refuse, and accepted it calmly: "Okay."

   "Fellow Daoist Bai, there are many Taoists who cultivate incense in the world? Do they have their own temples and Taoist temples?"

  Bai Yaozi replied: "There are countless numbers. Those who cultivate incense will build temples and Taoist temples to gather believers. It is very common to use various means to compete for incense. If you are not careful, you will die."

   Qianyan seemed to understand a little, so she didn't ask any more questions.

  Bai Yaozi was also anxious to take the newly recruited disciples back to practice, not planning to stay any longer. After saying goodbye to Qianyan, he disappeared in the Nixian Temple with Bai Qi.

   As he left, the people outside the Nixian Temple suddenly woke up. As for what had just happened, they didn't know, they only felt a little tired.

   After a while, the old man Liu and his wife rushed into the Nixian Temple shouting, followed by Liu Erbao who was eating chicken legs. .

"Lord Nixian, Lord Nixian, you must help us, Erbao's immortal fate has been snatched away." Chen shi knelt down with a plop, and kowtowed to Qianyan several times, "Muddy Lord Xian, you have to help Erbao get back the fate, which originally belonged to Erbao."

  Liu Erbao is still young, he doesn't know what immortality is at the moment, he is standing by the side holding chicken drumsticks. The old man Liu quickly grabbed the chicken leg in his hand and put it away, which caused Liu Erbao to be dissatisfied. He didn't know what he was muttering, and Liu Erbao reluctantly knelt down and kowtowed.

   "Master Nixian, you have to help Erbao." Old Man Liu immediately told the story of Bai Yaozi going to Liu's house to take away Bai Qi.

   The people present heard that Bai Qi was brought back to be a **** by the fairy, and they were shocked. Did that girl get such a chance?

   No wonder the old man Liu and his wife were not reconciled.

   So, it was Liu Erbao who should have an immortal relationship?

   This is a big loss.

   If Liu Erbao persists, he can become a little fairy.


   "I reminded you in the morning that there will be future blessings if you don't die, but you can't wait and take the initiative not to have such blessings."

   Old man Liu cried: "How did the little old man know that this Houfu is a god? If he had known earlier, the little old man would have waited. Lord Nixian, why didn't you explain it clearly?"

"It's not that I didn't make it clear, but I only calculated that there will be blessings in the future. Are you blaming me?" Qian Yan flicked his finger and flicked the old man out. , crawled in silently again, daring not to say offensive words.

   "This..." Chen Shi was a little scared, and begged for forgiveness with tears in his eyes, "Master Nixian forgives his sins, and asks Master Nixian to give instructions on what to do about this."

Qianyan pondered for a while, and said, "I just calculated it again for Liu Erbao. This immortal fate belongs to Liu Dani. As for Liu Erbao's happiness, it was with Liu Dani. But Liu Dani has already suffered for him, and he has returned to your Liu family. love, of course, can’t touch the light.”

   (end of this chapter)

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