Chapter 1688 Mud Doll Xiuxian Ji (23)

   "My name is Liu Yufei..."

   "My name is Liu Yumo..."

   "It's nice to meet a friend like you, my name is Liu Yuyun..."

  The willow spirits by the Liuhe River introduced themselves one by one. When Qianyan could hear their exchanges, they were not panicked, but rather happy.

  The willow spirits can feel that Qianyan has no ill will towards them, and they are very happy to have another friend like this.

   Liu Yuhuai saw that Qianyan was very kind to the willow spirits, and no longer cared about their chattering over there.

   The thing he was worried about did not happen, these willow spirits did not ask Qianyan to help them take shortcuts. They are more simple, in the end they are listening to his suggestions.

After    and all the willow spirits got to know each other, Qianyan returned to Liu Yuhuai's body, still in the original position.

When she returned to that position, she paused at the willow branches wrapped around a chair, and before she could ask, Liu Yuhuai said, "Your formation is good for us, so we made a place for you to sit, so that A little more comfortable."

"Sister Nixian, if you are tired of staying there, you can come to me, I will make a small bed for you, you can lie down and practice. If you feel uncomfortable lying down, I will get you a hammock. Practice while swinging." Liu Yuxing shouted from a distance, and as soon as her words fell, the other willow spirits said they could too.

After    Qianyan thanked him, he started arranging the formation.

   After such an interruption, the willow spirits forgot about Lin Shanren and continued chatting non-stop, asking Qianyan some questions from time to time.

   She was not impatient, and the communication was very pleasant. .

  From their mouths, she also knew more about Liuhe Village.

"At that time, none of us were conscious, and they were all small saplings. It was only after we became conscious that we vaguely remembered the scene that was just planted in Liuhe Village, but not much." Liu Yuxing said, "All I can think of is That is, the one who planted me was a daoist in gray, he planted me by the Liuhe River, watered it with a spell, and then touched my branches, as for the rest, I can't remember."

   "I remember that Taoist in gray had a conversation with the village chief of Liuhe Village at that time," Liu Yumo replied, "He said, no matter what happens, don't cut down the willow trees by the Liuhe River, otherwise Liuhe Village will be in great trouble."

   "This Xiaosheng also heard it, and they were talking next to Xiaosheng at the time." Liu Yushu said, "At that time, the village chief repeatedly promised that this must be written into the village regulations and that no one would be allowed to cut down willow trees."

"So, your existence is really protecting Liuhe Village." Qianyan whispered, although these willow trees did not have much memory before they became conscious, with these few words, it was basically certain that there was someone who could have foreseen the catastrophe here. These willows were planted.

   "Do fellow Daoists know something?" Liu Yuhuai asked. He was not planted by the Taoist man in gray. When he came, the willow trees had been planted for a long time, and they were not conscious at that time.

   Qianyan said, "I spied on some secrets before."

   "You can't leak it with us." Liu Yuxing said regretfully.

   Qianyan said, "Why not?"

  The willow spirits are all refreshed, can you? Doesn't it mean that the sky can't be leaked?

   Liu Yuhuai is also a little serious. I thought she was very simple before, but now she dares to reveal the secret.

   "A big event will happen in Qingyun County, and it has something to do with you."

   (end of this chapter)

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