Chapter 1695 Mud Doll Xiuxian Ji (30)

   She knew Chen Youjin, and the other party agreed so easily, but he still did not give up selling the big buffalo.

   But she couldn't keep up, and Chen Youjin couldn't.

   Her tears kept pouring out, that was really the only thing that big brother left her. When he was just married, Chen Youjin behaved very well, and the eldest brother went out to make a living with peace of mind.

   The big buffalo at home was a calf at first, and she raised it herself.

   After two years in the eldest brother, Chen Youjin made a group of random friends, drinking all day for fun, and his originally good family was gradually ruined by him. If she stopped, she would be severely beaten.

   She has resisted, she is not weak, but she can't stop the other party being a rogue, even threatening her with a child.

  The eldest brother suddenly disappeared, and there was no one in her parents' family. Her parents-in-law originally helped her, but Chen Youjin was so angry that she couldn't bear it.

   Right now, Chen Youjin wants the big buffalo in the seller, and she doesn't know what to sell next. Lin Cuiyun is very flustered, but she doesn't know what to do.

   "Mother, stop crying."

   Hearing the boy's voice, Lin Cuiyun quickly wiped away her tears: "Mother didn't cry."

   "Mother, when Xiaobao grows up, she will be filial to you and let you live a good life. When Xiaobao is a little older, he will be able to resist him, and you can help mother to beat him."

   Lin Cuiyun's eyes were warm, and the tears couldn't stop falling.

   "Little treasure, let's go home."

   Late at night, Lin Cuiyun's mother and son arrived home.

"Mother, you are finally back." The lights in the room were still on. I don't know if it was because Lin Cuiyun's mother and son were making too much noise, or the little girl in the room kept staring at the outside. The little girl rushed out and the worry on her face faded. Seeing Lin Cuiyun living with a cane, her eyes turned red, "Mother, does it hurt?"

   "It doesn't hurt." Lin Cuiyun touched her daughter's head, "Has he come back? Did he take the big buffalo away?"

   The little girl shook her head in confusion: "He hasn't come back, mother, the big buffalo is still there, I'll show you."

  Lin Cuiyun endured the pain and went to the position of the cowshed. Sure enough, she saw the big buffalo that was quiet and quiet, and she burst out laughing.

   At the same time, it's a little strange, doesn't Chen Youjin have the idea of ​​​​big buffalo? It can't be the result of the other party's temperament.

   Maybe something stuck.

   Thinking that this big buffalo will be given to Huo Huo by Chen Youjin sooner or later, Lin Cuiyun's heart is filled with sorrow again.

   "Mother, you are recovering from your injuries recently. I have everything at home." The little girl said.

   The boy also said: "Mother, sister, and me, I can also be a big man... a little husband, I can help with many things."

  Lin Cuiyun's heart was sour and sweet, and her eyes were a little swollen.

   "Mother, Xiaobao, you have nothing to eat, hurry up and eat."

   After eating and washing, the three of them fell asleep quickly.

   The next day just dawned, when Lin Cuiyun heard someone calling her, she became dazed and opened the door with a cane. There were several people outside the door, all with pale faces.

   "Aunt Xu, who are you?"

   The person who was called Aunt Xu said with sympathy: "Cuiyun, something big has happened, you should be mentally prepared first, wait for me to tell you, don't fall down."

   "Aunt Xu, tell me, what exactly happened?" Lin Cuiyun was also confused, guessing whether Chen Youjin did something outside and brought him into the house.

See you tomorrow



   (end of this chapter)

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