Chapter 1730 Mud Doll Xiuxian Ji (65)

   A few months later, Liu Yuhuai came back.

   still carried a lot of immortal stones, but only two people followed him back.

  Qianyan walked out of the room, seeing Liu Yuhuai's somewhat depressed expression, and then looking at the two people next to him, it became clear.

   "They don't believe you?"

Liu Yuhuai replied: "They think I'm joking, these two are about to usher in a hundred years of thunder calamity, and they want to try again." He pointed to the two of them and introduced, "They are two brothers and sisters, Zheng Tianyun and Zheng Tianyue. There are also some spirits. I also want to try, but they haven't changed shape yet and can't follow back."

   "It's not bad already." Qianyan praised, looking at the two brothers and sisters of the Zheng family, "When are you two hundred years of thunder tribulation?"

   Zheng Tianyun clasped his fists and said, "I have about a year, my sister Tianyue has three years left."

"I don't know if what Liu Xianyou said before is true, but there is only one way in front of us two brothers and sisters. We have to try it if we can." Zheng Tianyue laughed heartily, "Anyway, even if I die under a hundred years of thunder, It is also impossible to be such a **** believer, who has no dignity at all, kneeling there and saying compliments every day. The cultivation base you have cultivated will all disappear, and you will gain strength after that, depending on your piety and how much you live a better life. It's not as good as a dog, so what's the point?"

   "Since you have chosen to come here, I will definitely let you go through a hundred years of thunderstorms." Qianyan said, "But you have to cooperate with me to do one thing."

   The Zheng brothers and sisters didn't respond, Zheng Tianyun said, "What does the immortal friend want us to do? Why don't we talk about it first."

   "You are going to spend a hundred years of thunder tribulation outside the Immortal Emperor Temple." Qianyan said.

   After that, the Zheng brothers and sisters laughed and said in unison, "Okay."

   They thought that the other party would put forward some excessive conditions, but they didn't expect that? It just fits their temperament too much.

   Even if the other party can't help them survive the hundred-year thunder tribulation, it seems that they can breathe a sigh of relief when they do this at the Immortal Emperor Temple.

   At this moment, the two brothers and sisters are looking forward to the arrival of the hundred-year thunder tribulation soon.

   "Remember to spread the word about this." Qian Yan said, "Let those who don't believe in Immortal Emperor know that it's better that they all come to watch on the day you cross the hundred-year thunder tribulation."

   Zheng Tianyue said with a smile: "This is easy to handle. As long as I say it, someone wants to help me survive a hundred-year thunder tribulation. I will go to the Immortal Emperor Temple to survive one of the hundred-year thunder tribulations. Those who know will definitely come to watch."

   Even so, the Zheng family brothers and sisters told everything they knew.

   Knowing that the two brothers and sisters are going to the Immortal Emperor Temple to survive the calamity, they both think they are crazy, but I have to say that it is very cool.

   Even if they are stupid, they know that there is a great connection between the hundred years of thunder tribulation, the Tao of Incense, and the Seven Great Immortal Emperors. It's a pity that they can only bear it at all, and they don't know how to vent in their hearts.

   When they heard the two brothers and sisters say that someone wanted to help them survive the hundred-year thunder tribulation, everyone couldn't believe it. But they couldn't help but feel a little flame in their hearts. They are still many years away from the hundred-year thunder tribulation, so there is no need to worry for the time being. The two brothers and sisters of the Zheng family are about to arrive. Even if they don't believe there is such a thing, they can't help but be curious and decide to take a look.

   A year later, on the day when Zheng Tianyun crossed the hundred-year thunder tribulation, everyone who knew him came.

   At this time, Zheng Tianyun was already outside an Immortal Emperor Temple.

   (end of this chapter)

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