Chapter 1732 Mud Doll Xiuxian Ji (67)

   At this time, the thunder calamity in the calamity cloud was finally brewing, and a bucket-thick thunder calamity poured down from the sky.

  In an instant, the surroundings were illuminated so brightly that no one could see the situation of Zheng Tianyun and Qianyan.

   Zheng Tianyun was ready to resist Lei Jie, he didn't want Qianyan to rush up with a knife and slashed frantically at Lei Jie.

   Her fast Zheng Tianyun's consciousness couldn't catch up, and when everyone realized something was wrong, they only saw a figure with a giant sword chasing towards Jieyun and frantically destroying it.

   Zheng Tianyun was shocked, Zheng Tianyue was stunned, and the people who came to watch were speechless.

   The core believers in the Immortal Emperor Temple sat on the ground in fright.

   On the other hand, the ordinary believers, who were originally very silent, were somewhat moved. In their hearts and minds, there seems to be a small flame burning.

   No one thought that someone would break up Jieyun by himself.

   Everyone looked up at the sky, no, they should be looking at the girl floating in the clouds, wearing a pale yellow dress and holding a giant sword.

   Every time she strikes down, she can disperse a large cloud of calamity, and she can no longer gather lightning.

   Even if all the thunder tribulations attacked her position, it would be futile, she seemed invincible.

   Zheng Tianyun didn't even taste the smell of thunder tribulation, so he watched the attack of the robbery cloud that couldn't support Qianyan disperse.

Qianyan grabbed out of thin air, grabbed all the lightning in her hands, rubbed it into a lightning ball, and threw it at the sky, only to hear a loud noise, the lightning ball exploded in the sky, and spread out like fireworks. It turned out to be a little nice.

  The people present couldn't take their eyes off. They never thought that Lei Jie was so good-looking.

   Zheng Tianyun looked at the figure and couldn't look away.

   A cool breeze rose out of thin air. Zheng Tianyun saw Liu Yuhuai standing beside him. Liu Yuhuai, who was originally friendly to him, had a cold expression. Although he didn't say a word, he felt the other party's dissatisfaction.

after awhile.

   "I watched her become an adult." Liu Yuhuai said, "She doesn't care about you, don't think about it. Even if you want to think about it, it must be me first."

   "We have known each other for a long time."

   "I can always follow her and watch her shine."

   "I can still do a lot of things for her, and I will listen to her."

   Zheng Tianyun wanted to say that he knew it was impossible, he really wasn't worthy of her. Showing that kind of look is because you admire someone too much and it's hard to control. When he came back to his senses, he was already awake.

  Some people can only appreciate, can only look up, and can never approach.

   Liu Yuhuai had ignored him, and he quickly ran to Qianyan's side to discuss integrating those who did not believe in the Immortal Emperor.

   "Okay, do as you said. I'll help them save the calamity, and you will do the rest." Qian Yan said, she heard what Liu Yuhuai and Zheng Tianyun said before.

   Seeing his nervous appearance, he simply agreed to his wish.

  Liu Yuhuai looked back at Zheng Tianyun, then passed by him and waved to the crowd. A boyish face with a childish face seemed a bit mature in the eyes of everyone: "Everyone, do you want to survive a hundred years of thunder calamity?"

   "Come and register if you want."

   "Even if you used to be a believer of the Immortal Emperor, you can."

   "Is it really possible?" At this time, one of the ordinary believers of the Immortal Emperor stood up. "If I am not a believer of the Immortal Emperor, I will immediately usher in ten times the thunder calamity. Will the Immortal friends help me overcome it?"

   under revision, wait



   (end of this chapter)

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