All Aspects Are Kneeling and Begging the Villain Heroine To Be a Person

Chapter 1776: The Daughter of the Good Guy Daddy (40)

   Chapter 1776 The Daughter of the Good Man Dad (40)

   "It's alright, she just has a weird temper, she insists on confronting me." Lu Jinming's face eased, his eyes fell on Mi Shuangshuang's face, "How did Shuangshuang do this time?"

  Mi Xiaohong smiled a little more: "I improved by one place compared to last semester, the top five in the class, and the top ten in age."

   "That's really good news."

  Mi Shuangshuang tugged at Mi Xiaohong. Even in the face of Lu Jinming's praise, he didn't want to stay with him any longer, lest the neighbors talk again.

  Mi Xiaohong understood and showed an apologetic look to Lu Jinming, saying that he had to go back to cook first.

  After dinner, Mi Xiaohong and her daughter went downstairs for a walk, and heard various voices coming from not far away, and when they got closer, they realized that these people were talking about Qianyan, including a teenage boy.

"I really didn't lie to you. Lu Qianyan not only got full marks in the mid-term exam this time, but also in the first two monthly exams. She and I are in different classes in the same grade, and I still have transcripts in hand. But next semester, she should be the same as Cur. class."

   "You still don't believe it, okay, wait for me to go up and get the transcript."

   After a while, Li Yuejie ran down with the grade report card, and everyone was surprised.

   "Your school has two full marks."

Li Yuejie snorted twice: "To be precise, they have exceeded the full score, and the teacher also showed us their test papers. Good guy! These two test paper kings have made several solutions for the additional questions. It's just rubbing the IQ of us ordinary people on the ground."

"I only knew Xueba before, but now I finally understand what Xue God is. Because of them, the additional questions are getting harder and harder now, and there was a chance to score before, but now it's all prepared for those two roll kings. "

  Mi Xiaohong's mother and daughter also saw the transcript. Mi Xiaohong blushed a little when she remembered the previous conversation with Lu Jinming, but she subconsciously said, "Impossible, how could she possibly get a perfect score, did something go wrong?"

   That girl hasn't studied seriously for a whole year in high school, so she can get full marks in the exam, so is there any reason for it?

Li Yuejie rolled his eyes: "So this is the difference between a genius and an ordinary person. What is it not easy for a genius to learn? Not only a genius, but also the master of the scroll, the teacher can't even solve the problem. Like me, I work very hard, Only then can you smell their exhaust, and you can't smell it if you don't work hard."

  Mi Xiaohong and the mother and daughter left with a last look on their faces.

  Mi Xiaohong saw that Mi Shuangshuang looked a little wrong, so she quickly comforted: "Shuangshuang, let's not compare with her, just be yourself. This time you have improved one, and you have performed well."

   As for the trouble of looking for Qianyan, Mi Xiaohong didn't have this idea. Now she just wants to be as far away as possible from the other party, so as not to affect Shuangshuang, she can't provoke this person.

  Lu Jinming met his neighbor. When the neighbor asked Qianyan about his grades, he was full of envy and praised him, but he was not happy at all.

  Because every time at this time, he would think of Qianyan's question, is he worthy? This made him a little irritable.

   One night, he finally couldn't take it anymore, and knocked on Qianyan's door: "Don't think that you can be complacent if you have a little achievement, and the water will overflow. Sooner or later, you will have problems with arrogance. There are many geniuses in this world."

  Qianyan: "Finished? You can get out."


   "Lu Qianyan, you have good grades in your studies, but if you have bad morals, don't know how to respect people, and are not filial, you are also a failure. If you go out like this, you will be criticized by countless people." Lu Jinming was a little angry, she was too arrogant.

   "Would you like me to call the reporters for you? In front of the reporters, let's talk about what happened over the years."

   "Would you like to?" Qian Yan looked at Shang Lu Jinming, "If you don't want to call a reporter, don't come to me in the future."

  Lu Jinming wanted to say something, Qian Yan had already raised her phone: "One more word and I'll call the reporter's hotline."

  Lu Jinming clenched his fists and turned to leave.

Qianyan put down her phone, looked at his back, and said, "Look, I'll say you're not worthy. In fact, you know in your heart that it's not good for you to spread what you've done, so you're very afraid of it being exposed. "

   "Then, please stop pretending to be a good father."

See you tomorrow



   (end of this chapter)

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