Chapter 1807 The Real World: Two Raiders (End)

   "Since the two of you dare to enter the palace to recommend yourself, and if you want to come here, you have something special, so let's talk about your special point." Qian Yan's voice was calm and calm, which still caused some pressure on Cheng Difei and Yang Jingjing.

   I was thinking in my heart, this is worthy of being an empress, even if she looks young and doesn't speak in a hurry, she has to make people nervous.

   "Go back to Your Majesty, Caomin can draw architectural drawings. This is a drawing drawn by Caomin. Please take a look at it." Cheng Difei said, since he chose to enter the palace to recommend himself, he must be successful.

  The palace staff presented Cheng Difei's blueprint, Qianyan glanced at it, and then showed it to Yuehuai.

   Cheng Difei was not nervous at first, but Yuehuai was a little nervous when she looked at his drawings.

   This man who is definitely the Empress, if the other party thinks that he is suspected of seducing the Empress, wouldn't that be the end?

   Yuehuai didn't know Cheng Difei's heart, as long as these people were sensible and didn't hit your Majesty's ideas, he would not have any opinion on them.

   "Your Majesty, it's really good."

   "Then arrange to go to the Ministry of Engineering." Qian Yan finished his words, and his eyes fell on Yang Jingjing.

  Yang Jingjing took a step forward, bent slightly and said: "Minnu is good at making bead hairpins. Because the time is too short, I brought two finished products today, but Minnu has a head and face design drawing for the bead hairpin here, please take a look at your majesty."

   Cheng Difei was slightly surprised, but he didn't expect this fellow to look unreliable, and to know this kind of craftsmanship.

   System 3689: [Host, didn't you say you want to hand in the snack recipe? 】

  Yang Jingjing: [I haven't made a finished product yet, do I just open my mouth and say that these are delicious, and draw a pie for the Empress? Besides, the raw materials may not be found. If you can't do it after handing in, won't you offend the Empress? It's safe to come here today, I can only take out my ability to eat first, and then talk about getting a job first. Remember to give me the novel reader later, don't forget, I've been bored to death recently. 】

  System 3689: […]

  Yang Jingjing was a little worried: [Darong is very prosperous, although I combined ancient and modern aesthetics to design these bead hairpins, as well as men's hair crowns, jade pendants, etc. I don't know if the queen likes it or not, it's a bit worrying. 】

  Qianyan likes it very much, no one doesn't like these beautiful and delicate gadgets.

   "The Prime Minister, take a look." Qian Yan browsed the pattern and handed it to Yue Huai, "Does the Prime Minister like the pattern in it? The hair crown and jade pendant are both good, so pick a few."

   His Majesty said so, Yue Huai just picked one and asked, "Does Your Majesty like it?"

  Qianyan chose a pair of earrings and a bead hairpin pattern.

   "You also stay," she circled the selected ones, and then asked the palace servant to give the pattern to Yang Jingjing, "Make it as soon as possible."

   Yang Jingjing said quickly, "Yes, Your Majesty."

   This is the pass.

   Qianyan gave the two of them positions before letting them go down. From now on, the two would be able to come to the palace on time every day for work.

   As soon as the two came out of the palace, they gathered a carriage and exchanged the age and information from Blue Star.

   "How's your hands-on ability? I mean, cooking, food." Yang Jingjing asked, she is good at crafts, but she has no talent in food.

   Cheng Difei: "It's okay."

   "Do you want to achieve the freedom of all kinds of snacks?"

   Cheng Difei's eyes lit up: "Do you have a formula? Do you have Coke?"

   "Yes! I prefer to read novels. Every time I see something in it, I can't help but find the recipe. I have a good memory and remember it all. As long as I can find the ingredients, there is no problem in realizing the freedom of snacks."

Cheng Difei: "Okay, you can give me the recipe, and I will take the time to study. Now we all have formal jobs, and we still have lunch at noon, so we can't spend much money, and the rest is used for research and making snacks." Mainly cola and potato chips, and also There are snacks that Yang Jingjing prefers.

   System 2456: [Host, what do you want to do? 】

  Cheng Difei: [Realize the freedom of snacks. What about game consoles? Get it now. 】

  System 2456: [Well, you need to know that online games are more fun. 】

Cheng Difei has already got the game console, and Yang Jingjing has also got the novel reading machine. She flipped through the novels on it: "There are a lot of male-frequency novels in it, and we can play them in exchange. By the way, can your game console always store power? "

  Cheng Difei said with a smile: [Of course, from the beginning, I asked for always electricity and a lifetime warranty, otherwise I would not go, and I must consider the way back if I want something. 】

   "Haha, bro, you're pretty good, and so do I. I have unlimited power, lifetime warranty, and replacement if it's broken. I'll take care of you in the future."

"no problem."

   The two looked at each other and smiled, which was very treacherous in the eyes of the two systems.

  System 2456: [I don't feel right. 】

  System 3689: [I felt it long ago. 】

   Come to a few chapters to relax in the real world



   (end of this chapter)

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