Chapter 1809 Hundreds of billions of rich women (2)

Chai Hang was overjoyed when he got Qian Yan's investment, but he didn't get carried away, and quickly said: "Miss Fu, it's better to set the robot permissions now. This robot will be the most special one of Yaomao Technology. After setting the highest authority as you, even me, the designer, can no longer control him. That is to say, his existence and destruction will be in your hands."

   This is what he used to impress Mr. Fu, otherwise he wouldn't have spent so much effort from the inside out, and even used the elf eye.

  Qianyan didn't refuse, nodded, and just wanted to try the food made by this robot, whether it was as good as Chai Hang's blow.

  Chai Hang didn't know what Qian Yan was thinking, but from her attitude, she should be very satisfied with the robot.

   He didn't think about it anymore, and quickly helped to set the permissions.

   The original owner had seen too many goodies and was not so interested in robots, so when Chai Hang proposed to set permissions, she refused, thinking it was unnecessary.

   "Assistant Lin, a series of things about investing in Yaomao Technology are entrusted to you." Qian Yan said.

   Standing next to her was a woman with a serious face and basically no expression. She was not very old, about twenty-five years old.

   If Qianyan hadn't taken the initiative to point out this person, she would have easily been ignored.

  Lin Yucui not only has a serious face and an old-fashioned expression, but also dresses quite professionally: "Okay, Miss Fu."

When she said this, she turned her eyes and landed on Chai Hang: "Mr. Chai, please."

  Chai Hang understood this time that the matter was really a done deal, and of course he was not rude. After greeting Qianyan, he left with Lin Yucui.

   As soon as the two left, an old man came to Qianyan. This was the housekeeper, He Mingqing. With a smile on his face, he handed a menu to Qianyan: "Miss, look what you want for lunch today."

   "There is no need to prepare in the kitchen. Everyone is asked to leave the kitchen. Today's lunch will be prepared by No. 1 Fu." Qianyan took the menu and called at the same time, "No. 1 Fu."

   Robot Fu No. 1 responded faster than a real person. He walked up to Qianyan with long legs, bent down slightly, and gave a gentleman's salute: "What is your order, Miss Fu?"

   "When you make lunch, just do it..." Qianyan ordered two dishes, one soup.

   The old housekeeper He Mingqing is not surprised by this. Miss Fu has a family property of hundreds of billions of dollars, but if she eats alone without filling the table with dishes, it is definitely impossible to finish it. She doesn't like this.

   Basically, it is relatively simple for her to eat alone.

   She will not hesitate where she wants to spend money, and she does not think it is necessary to waste money without meaning.

   Even if there are only two dishes and one soup, the ingredients used are of the highest quality, especially when it comes to high-grade ingredients that are specialties of a certain place, it is not cheap for ordinary people.

   "Miss Fu wait a moment."

   After scanning the menu, Fu No. 1 told Qianyan that he had already found it before He Mingqing could remind him where the kitchen was.

   Qianyan pressed the wheelchair, and the wheelchair followed to the kitchen. She wanted to walk, but her body was too weak. Before she was conditioned, it would be better to sit in a wheelchair. It was not so comfortable to be supported.

   "This robot is intelligent. It found the kitchen so quickly, and Yaomao brought a good gift to the young lady." He Mingqing was amazed.

   Qianyan stopped at the door of the kitchen, and Fu No. 1 was already busy inside.

   (end of this chapter)

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