Chapter 1815 Hundreds of billions of rich women (8)

   The original owner is very proud here, but the opening time of the game is still short, and only a small number of people know her for the time being.

   She became a legend as soon as the world's pursuit order came out.

   Not long after, Qianyan passed by the old farmer Lu Maqian's Liangtian Village. She glanced at the situation in the field, and there were countless players doing their tasks bitterly.

   The man who picks the manure, the manure who pours the manure, the arable land of the cultivated land, the seedling of the seedling.

  There is a pigsty next to the thatched cottage, and there are pigs being fed and being chased by pigs, screaming in fright.

  There are also free-range birds around, and players are taking care of these birds carefully.

  The main purpose of her entry into the game this time is to see how the game can exercise her mental strength.

  Since the spiritual power can be exercised, it means that the world will leap from a powerful technological world to another level. Once it develops well, the whole world will benefit endlessly.

  If the development is not good, then the world will be destroyed.

  The way to exercise mental power is to complete the tasks in the game, learn cheats, level up, and PK with other players.

   Now that she has come to the site of the NPC old farmer Lu Maoqian, she decided to ask Lu Maoqian.

  In the history of this world, Lu Maoqian was an old farmer who cultivated the land and raised poultry and livestock very well. He was born at the end of the Ping Dynasty and died at the beginning of the Jin Dynasty.

  Because of his good farming skills, he was very good at raising poultry and livestock. He was invited by Jin Gaozu, the founding emperor of the Jin Dynasty, to farm the land and raise poultry and livestock, which solved the problem of food and meat shortage during the Jin Gaozu campaign.

   The founding emperor of the Jin Dynasty pacified the world and named him the number one farmer in the world. He didn't want any official positions, and he didn't want gold and silver rewards, so the Emperor Gaozu gave him 100,000 mu of fertile land. Since then, Lu Maoqian built a thatched hut next to the field, built several pens for livestock, and brought people to farm the land for a living. , which was later renamed Liangtian Village.

   At the same time, in reality, there is indeed such a place. Now it is called Liangtian City, which is the hometown of food in the country.

   "The ploughing of the fields is not good, the grass has not been removed, the seedlings are not well divided, they are inserted crookedly, and they are still so dense, it is strange that they can grow well."

   "And you, you can't even feed a pig, and you were kicked by a pig. I've never seen such a clumsy person."

   "The old man also doesn't understand, why your hen will stink nine out of ten eggs. Just like this, in what year and month can you raise twenty chicks and collect a hundred eggs?"

   "A group of blind farmers, the old man is **** off."

   "Just like this, I still want to get the secret book from the old man. It's so beautiful, and I'm daydreaming!"

   "The old man is a peasant. If you do things like you, you will not starve to death. If you were in the old man's time, you would starve to death in the first month."

   The players who were scolded: "..." The scolding was a bit ugly, it was true, and they didn't dare to retort, and those who retorted have already been driven away by Lu Maoqian.

   They are big grievances, but in a good life, they have to come to the game to be abused, and they are scolded by this old man every day.

   Qianyan glanced at it and found that there were so many players here.

  Looking at the seedlings taken care of by the players, they really don't look very good.

   She walked around in the past and lamented that this game is really realistic, and many things are basically designed according to reality.

   For example, when players build their own characters, they will refer to their body index.

   In addition to the fact that the shape is casually pinched, the initial setting value of an index such as physical fitness cannot exceed the player's own strength.

   (end of this chapter)

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