Chapter 1820 Hundreds of billions of rich women (13)

   Seeing this, another maid rushed over, but she was quickly defeated.

   "Two girls, I don't know if I can see your son now?"

   It was not that no player chose to kill the two maids before. Not only did they not see Gong Yehuai, but the Taolin mansion also issued a killing order for them. After the NPCs in Taolin's range hear the order, they will immediately dispatch to kill those players.

   Unless you kill them once, they will appear here again, unable to do the task at all, and will only face various pursuits.

   "I didn't expect Your Excellency to be so powerful. Since Your Excellency defeated us, we are willing to admit defeat. You wait for a while, and I go ahead and report to the young master."

   "That would be troublesome." Han Jiangxue said politely.

   One of the maids turned around and entered the mansion, while the other maid continued to guard the door.

   All players were pleasantly surprised, it seemed that they could really follow Han Jiangxue's train of thought into the Taolin Mansion.

   While waiting, Han Jiangxue suddenly felt a very special line of sight. Looking back, he happened to see Qianyan.

   In fact, he had already discovered the very shiny name above his head in the crowd.

  Qianyan saw that Han Jiangxue nodded lightly at her, and responded, the other party had no extra behavior.

   Not long after the game was launched, the original owner hadn't communicated with Chu Chenjiang about the game "Remaining Dreams Through the Ages". It should be said that they never played the game together, and their contacts were all in reality.

   If Han Jiangxue was Chu Chenjiang, he might not know the original owner in the game.

   Like most players, it is impossible for the original owner to choose his true appearance to pinch his face as a game character.

  Whether Han Jiangxue is Chu Chenjiang, we still need to continue to observe.

   At this time, the maid who notified the news came out and invited Han Jiangxue in.

  After he entered, the gate of Taolin's mansion was closed again, and some players couldn't wait to go up to communicate with the maids, expecting to see Gong Yehuai, but it didn't go well.

   A player offered wine, which was rejected by the two maids.

Another player read a verse of a very famous poet, and the maid suddenly cursed: "You little man who plagiarized poetry, you dare to plagiarize the poems of your friend's son, and you dare to come to the door with such a shameless and shameless act. Come to Banmen to get an axe, hurry up!"

   Immediately, some players realized that the poems before the Southern Dynasty were definitely not good, and they had to find the poems after the Southern Dynasty to deal with it.

  Most people only know those verses of exam-oriented education, and they may not remember them now, and no one will speak up for a while.

   Qianyan felt that the urine nature set by "Remaining Dreams Through the Ages", even if it was a poem after the Southern Dynasty, might not be able to pass the test, and it might trigger other plots.

   She just flipped through the map, and around Taolin Mountain, there are other poets' addresses, from the Southern Dynasties, the Southern Dynasties, and the Southern Dynasties.

   At this moment, the door of Taolin Mansion opened.

  The players quickly looked over, and their faces suddenly became weird.

  I saw two chores dressed as errands and came out with a stretcher covered with a white cloth.

  The players have a bad feeling.

   Isn't this Han Jiangxue who just entered?

  Qianyan saw the long sword pressed against the white cloth. This guy was indeed Han Jiangxue.

   To be honest, a bit fast.

   also surprised her, Gongye Huai's strength is very good.

   "This is what happens if you don't have the self-knowledge to challenge the young master." The maid raised her chin, looking very proud.

   (end of this chapter)

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