Chapter 1830 Hundreds of billions of rich women (23)

  Qianyan looked at the situation on the Internet for a while, and after her push, the popularity is still unabated, and major marketing accounts are promoting this matter.

   She checked her mailbox again, and the information she had sent had already been checked. It was so detailed that it was impossible for the other party to do nothing.

   As far as she knows, at the two marked locations, every summer heavy rain will wash down some rolling stones and soil. If the existence of the tomb is really found inside, she will definitely find a way to dig out the contents to avoid accidental washout.

   What netizens said is really good. After the Southern Dynasty, the world was torn apart, and the war was fought all year round, and many cultures before the Southern Dynasty were lost. In order to complement the previous culture, relevant departments will be dispatched.

   Sure enough, on the same day, it was revealed that the relevant departments really went to Fengzhu Mountain.

   She wrote that document in great detail, and the results should come soon.

   In the evening, Qianyan logged into "Dream Through the Ages".

  Fu No. 1 was standing outside the game nutrition warehouse, watching Qian Yan closed his eyes, his serious expression disappeared.

   His consciousness sank into the Internet, and he started friendly exchanges with netizens. He also gave himself a nickname that matched his identity - robot.

  Netizen: [I don’t know if there are any beauties in Gongye Huai’s tomb. 】

  Robot: [Forget it, there can be no beauty. 】

   Netizen: [How do you know? 】

  Robot: [I already knew, no one knows better than me. 】

   He is himself, how could he not know?

  The matter of his burial should be handled by the old servant and Shuzhi. It is impossible for the two of them to bury the beauty with him. They are not so crazy.

   Nothing in his funeral objects could have a beauty.

  Netizen: [Gong Yehuai likes beauties so much. In order to please beauties, there must be a lot of jewelry in his collection. I have some expectations. I really want to see the jewelry of the Southern Dynasty. Speaking of the jewelry of the Southern Dynasty, it is really rare. 】

  Netizen: [This hairpin girl is looking forward to it, rubbing her hands together, excited. 】

  Robot: [Don't expect it, definitely not. 】

The most    funeral objects must be wine, wine recipes and wine utensils, which is his favorite, followed by various swords and sword manuals.

   As for jewelry, it is absolutely impossible to have them. There are no such things in his house, but there are some jades.

   Netizen: [That guy called a robot is so annoying, is he a gangster? People have to slap everything they say. 】

  Fu No. 1: If you really want to divide it into a category, he is indeed a robot at present. This netizen is right.

  Netizen: [That's right, that robot is annoying to death, I feel like he's cleaning Bai Gongye Huai. 】

  Netizen: [Maybe she is a female fan of Gongye Huai, aren't there many novels about Gong Ye Huai? After the time-travelling women went back and met Gong Yehuai, he gave up all the beauties and only liked her. 】

  Netizen: [Yes, yes, it is very possible, maybe there is a little sister who does not know the history behind this robot, and I was misled by reading two novels of Gong Yehuai, thinking that he is the kind of dedicated person. 】

   Netizen: [In short, I live in my own world. 】

   Robot: [I am a male. 】

   Is there still his time-travel novel?

  Fu No. 1 hurried to scan, and sure enough, a lot of them came out. After a quick scan, he almost got a mouthful of old blood.

  Netizen: [Gongye Huai's reputation is not very good, but I really want to know how many beauties he has in his life. 】

   (end of this chapter)

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