Chapter 1849 Hundreds of billions of rich women (42)

   "Do you think he might be sincere to you?"

   Qianyan came to this conclusion.

   She used the dialogue applet to talk to Chu Chenjiang every time, but she still listened carefully to the other party's words.

The   dialogue applet is no longer a simple version at the beginning, and now it is closer to the original owner.

   She has the memory of the original owner, all the words the original owner said were recorded in it, and she also set up various reactions to sudden words, which was completely able to deal with it.

   "As an auditor, I really don't think his feelings for me are fake."

   "But, so what? I didn't do anything wrong to him, but he did something to me and locked me in that dark place for a long time."

Qianyan said: "I mean, have you noticed that he has changed a bit recently, especially after his spiritual power has been improved, his dialogue has become more and more radical, and he has mentioned many times that he wants to be with you, miss you, think about To be together forever, to get married. Through these words, we can analyze what he is going to do. I finally came to the conclusion that he is likely to approach you first with a purpose, just acting in the middle. He's in love with you and is currently struggling. Make another guess, or if you promise to marry him, he'll give up doing what he's going to do."

   "Is that so?" The young woman smiled lightly, "If I don't agree, he will kill me? What kind of sincerity and love is this? Don't you have the heart to hurt someone at all when you treat someone sincerely and like someone?"

"Look, I protect him so well, for fear that he will be wronged in the circle. Taking into account his face as a man, he never exposes his existence, and always hides it well, for fear that the public will think he is soft. I have arranged for people to take care of all aspects, and now the circles and the public say that he is lucky and talented, and God rewarded him with food. The comments were that he was very hard at first, but he persisted, that is, he succeeded. Clouds open to see the moon."

"I don't care whether he is vain or not, greedy or greedy, the person I like has his own thoughts, vanity, love for money, I am willing to spoil it. The premise is, don't hurt or betray me , I'm not a **** either."

"I don't even need much response from him. I never wanted to be involved in his life. I didn't plan to have a lover or get married in my life plan. I like watching movies, chasing stars, knowing He was put on the Internet because of some of his unreleased niche films, as well as many interesting low-budget films. At that time, he would also be an actor, and I liked his enthusiasm for pursuing his dreams. At that time, he was regarded as him. Fans. Later, when I learned that his dream encountered difficulties and obstacles, he arranged for people to invest in him, and never thought that we would develop anything.”

"We officially met, and he has firmly stood on the road of his dream. Facing his enthusiastic and brave approach, and wanting to stand by my side, I did not refuse, and even felt joyful like never before, and then I began to change my life plan. ."

   "When confirming the relationship, I even said in advance that if he can't accept the existing model, he can choose to leave, and he can change his mind at any time."

   "When he proposed marriage, I also reaffirmed that when I want to get married, if he can't wait, he can propose separation."

"I'm not a normal person. Sometimes it's very scary to have a mental illness, and there's no guarantee that it can be cured. So I didn't plan to disclose it to him, so as not to increase his burden, and I didn't want to kidnap a person in this way. around."

   "Even though I feel sad thinking that he will leave one day, I still can't bear to surround him."

   "If he hurts me for this reason, I'll just think it's a joke."

   "My mind will not change." The young woman sneered, "Whether he really likes me or not, the damage to me has already been done."

   Qianyan comforted: "I will help you with this."

   (end of this chapter)

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