Chapter 1853 Hundreds of billions of rich women (46)

   Besides, the original owner once arranged for someone to inquire about Chu Chenjiang's preferences, and every time he followed these instructions.

  Chu Chenjiang didn't say that he didn't like it. As an ordinary person, no one would think about a person who eats particularly delicious food, but he actually doesn't like these dishes.

   There are also errors in the news, Chu Chenjiang's perfect performance.

   Speaking of acting, he is really professional.

   If it wasn't for his dream of directing, the chances of becoming an actor with his excellent appearance and professional acting skills are still very high.

"He doesn't like to eat these." Qian Yan told the original owner with certainty, she was still stunned when she saw the original owner, and then said, "I can observe it because I doubt everything about him, and I came to observe him specifically to discover this. It's a subtle error. With his current performance, almost no one can find that he doesn't like these dishes, and his acting skills are very good."

   "Check Lin Yucui," said the young woman.

"I think so."

  The young woman added: "It seems that I am still too confident, I think I can see the people around me thoroughly."

"No one can fully see who is who. It is impossible to control the human mind. Today is the same, tomorrow may be the same. Today I am loyal to you, and tomorrow may insert a knife into your heart." Qianyan Said, "People are unpredictable, and no one can predict what will happen."

   Therefore, she will practice in every world and improve her strength as much as possible so that she can face any accidents that occur in any situation.

   "Yes." The young woman was relieved, "They are not robots."

   "The robot may be fake." She thought of Fu No. 1, there is still half a soul in it, but fortunately, this is the man of Her Majesty the Empress, so it is still safe.

   Qianyan knew what she meant and didn't answer any further.

  Lin Yucui and He Mingqing were also at the dinner table. These were the two people the original owner trusted the most. Unless the original owner was alone, he would invite them to eat a lot of dishes like this.

   At this moment, Qianyan was eating slowly, and her mental energy swept over the other three at the dinner table.

  Chu Chenjiang still eats happily, Lin Yucui eats slowly, and can't see any problems, let alone He Mingqing's words.

  There is no physical or eye contact between the three, so it can be said that there is no flaw.

   However, Lin Yucui has already been exposed, why did she inform the original owner of the wrong information?

   Speaking of which, the original owner still had the kindness to her, what kind of mind did she have to do these things? The leader or the accomplice?

   Is there a relationship between her and He Mingqing?

   Since the two are the most trusted people around the original owner, it means that there is absolutely no problem with their identity. It should be said that there may be a problem, but it can definitely withstand the investigation, and no problem can be found.

   The truth is also true, she has touched the identity information of the two before.

  He Mingqing was the grandfather of the original owner and never married.

  Lin Yucui's family background is not good. She is still the old daughter of her parents. When she was in junior high school, her parents died one after another. Later, because of his excellent grades, he was recommended by the teacher to the Fu's Poverty Scholarship Foundation. With the help of the Fu's Poverty Scholarship Foundation, he completed his studies.

   is also because of this, she remembered Fu Shi in her heart, and she wanted to enter Fu Shi.

   Later, she learned that the Fu Foundation for Poverty Education was established by the original owner, so she admired the Miss Fu who was one or two years younger than her.

  When the original owner did not retreat behind the scenes, she always followed the original owner.

   (end of this chapter)

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