Chapter 1855 Billionaire Rich Woman (48)

  The apple juice was also splashed on Fu No. 1's face. He silently took out his handkerchief and wiped the apple juice, and couldn't help but taste it. Immediately, he gave various data on the taste of apple juice in his mind, but he really couldn't taste it.


  Fu No. 1: "…"

   Well, she is no longer the pitifully weak Miss Fu who seems to collapse when the wind blows.

   "In a few years, I can crush you." Seeing Fu No. 1's silent appearance, Qian Yan decided to take a big shock.

  Fu No. 1: "..." Not so.

"My consumables are relatively expensive. It's not worth it if you pinch them. You are very rich, but there is no need to damage a perfectly built robot." Fu No. 1 has given up the idea of ​​traveling with Qianyan. She really does not need protection. " You don’t need protection, so do you want someone who can cook? There shouldn’t be a chef who can cook more dishes than Curcuma, right?”

   "Okay, I won't take you this time. When I finish things, I will only take you in the future."

   Fu No. 1 thought this was a bit strange, and what was even more strange was that he was very useful. This time, he also understood that he couldn't follow him. In fact, he just wanted to go outside to have a look.

   But when I hear that she seems to have something serious, then forget it. He is not the kind of person who likes to cause trouble for others. If it really breaks her affairs, it will be bad.

   "Okay, then I won't go with you."

   "If you have a chance in the future, take me out to see it." Fu No. 1 said, "Seeing the world online is still different from seeing it with your own eyes."

   "Okay, yes, this matter can be over within two years, and then I will take you out to see the world every day."

   Fu No. 1's heart beat very fast. Of course, it was not the heart of this machine, but the heart that belonged to his soul.

   Her words are not surprising, how could it make him feel that his soul is burning?

   He quickly checked the machine and found no fault. In the end, it must have been something wrong with his soul.

   "Go and rest, I'll just stay in the study."

  The study is relatively safe. No one else can come in without Qianyan’s permission. He can do a little trick here without any problem.

   "Then when I'm not here, just stay here obediently and don't run around. If someone finds something abnormal and comes to catch you, I'll have to work hard."

   "Don't worry, I'm not the kind of person who can't stay still and won't cause you trouble."

   On this point, Fu No. 1 still has a number.

   He knows the world very well, so he doesn't plan to go out alone.

  The strength of this machine is really good, but it is not invincible. If someone finds out and thinks that he is conscious, and the other party can't catch him, he will definitely shoot him into scum.

   That night, Qianyan also entered a game.

  Chu Chenjiang lives in the Fu family villa, of course it is impossible to enter the game.

   After Qianyan entered the game, she did not see any trace of Chu Chenjiang.

   She went to Gongye Huai and talked about her going to travel for a few days. By the way, I checked the situation of the soul of Xia Gongye Huai, and it has not been completely repaired.

   "I'm not in a hurry. I'm more concerned about Tao Jiuxiang's tomb." Gong Yehuai said.

   Qianyan replied: "It should be soon, I will notify you as soon as there is news outside."

   "That's trouble."

   "By the way, I promised Fu No. 1, and I will take him to see the world after the work is done. When the time comes, remember to discuss it."

   Gongye Huai's expression froze, do you see the world?

   He suddenly showed a smile: "No need to discuss, I also want to see the outside world."

  What did the other half of his soul do to ask her to take him to see the world.

   also said that in the study, Fu No. 1 first paid attention to Tao Jiuxiang's tomb, and then searched the Internet to find out what happened to him.

   After browsing countless information and communicating with many netizens, he was stunned.

See you tomorrow



   (end of this chapter)

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