Chapter 1859 Hundreds of billions of rich women (52)

  Miss A: Speaking of which, this is my negligence. Well, work **** Fu Qianyan's side.

   He sensed Miss A's impatience, but instead became more cheerful.

   He is not afraid of what Miss A will do, at least until he succeeds, the other party will rely on him.

  Chu Chenjiang: Don't worry, for a year at most, I feel that her attitude is getting softer and softer. Even if I are regarded as a substitute, I must be the most perfect substitute.

  Miss A didn't respond, and disappeared as before.

  Chu Chenjiang stared at the phone for a long time, with a smile on the corners of his lips, Miss A, it will be difficult for you not to expose yourself by then.

   Of course, before confirming who Miss A is, he will definitely cooperate with each other and do nothing else.

   Sitting on the sofa and thinking for a while, Chu Chenjiang did not ponder the script, but instead lay down in the game nutrition bin to log in to the game, and improving his mental strength was the real business.

   As for the script, with his current mental strength, it is very simple to ponder, and it doesn't take much time.

   On the other side, Fu No. 1 watched Qianyan lying in the game nutrition compartment and asked, "Miss Fu, do you want to go in and chat with the other half of my soul?"

   "Go and see how his soul is repaired."

   "Oh." Fu No. 1 responded and asked again, "Do you think I am more interesting, or is he more interesting?"

   Qianyan: "..." What kind of ghost question is this?

System 666: [Hahahahahahahaha ... a good question, it seems that this half of the soul realized what, starting to eat your own vinegar. Having said that, when the host went to go through the process with Chu Chenjiang, he didn't have such a reaction, was it because the host was not interested in Chu Chenjiang? 】

   The young woman smiled: "It should be like this."

   No wonder he is the only man favored by Her Majesty the Empress. He does have some skills.

   Divide yourself into two halves, one is cute and the other is arrogant and smart.

  Fu No. 1: "This question is difficult?"

  Qianyan: "Each is good in its own way. If you are alone, don't compare and divide each other. The best thing is to combine them."

  Fu No. 1: "Is this what adults say?"

"alright, I got it."

   Qianyan: "..."

  What kind of mess did he watch on the Internet? This word appeared.

   "Go ahead," Fu No. 1 said, "It's all me anyway, and I don't mind that much. I hope he can come out and fuse with me sooner. I think it's better to merge."

If    doesn't merge, she has to log in to the game every day to see the other half, making him seem like he's been abandoned.

   Qianyan took a deep look at Fu No. 1, lay down in the game warehouse, and logged into the game.

  Fu No. 1 found someone to chat in the forum again, and shared the experience just now.

   Originally, he suspected that Miss Fu used Chu Chenjiang as a substitute, but later found that it was not so simple.

   The last time I asked some questions in the forum, with the help of the majority of netizens, he finally realized something. Netizens told him that Miss Fu said that taking him to see the world alone must be different to him. According to his feeling, Miss Fu's performance is that they like each other.

  Fu No. 1 thought it was incredible, but he ran into the robot body, what else is incredible?

   He has a crush on a person, which is a bit inconsistent with previous people. But time has changed, and it has been nearly three thousand years in the past, so what hasn't changed?

  I didn't know before that Miss Fu liked his character more or the character in it more, so I asked. If she has a focus, they will discuss it when they fuse, and fuse them into what she likes.

   (end of this chapter)

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