Chapter 1868 Hundreds of billions of rich women (61)

   "I want to drag this aloof young lady of the Fu family into the quagmire, let her see the dangers of this world, let her be betrayed by everyone around her, and let her despair."

  Chu Chenjiang: "I am the weapon you chose to attack Fu Qianyan?"

   "Yes, I actually arranged for many people to approach her before this, but they all failed."

  The matter is clear, Chu Chenjiang is no longer interested in asking more.

   is now in the Fu family villa, he is not going to kill Lin Yucui immediately, this will easily cause him trouble.

   And since Lin Yucui died at this time, he and A Yan couldn't get married immediately. After all, Lin Yucui was her right-hand man.

   That can't be done.

   Anyway, it is more than enough for him to control these people now, so let them prepare for the wedding first.

   Lin Yucui and He Mingqing were both ordered by Chu Chenjiang to prepare for the wedding, and he quickly went upstairs to tell Qianyan the good news.

   Fu No. 1 wanted to follow, but just as he was about to move, he was stopped by a message from Qianyan.

   Well, she must be sure.

  Fu No. 1 can only wait patiently outside, but he can also use this machine to scan a certain range. He tried it before, but Chu Chenjiang's mental power couldn't sense his scan, so he secretly scanned it.

   Qianyan was lying on the bed at the moment, and instantly sensed that Fu No. 1 was peeking.

  Because I want to do business, I don’t care for the time being.

   Things have come to this point, she won't wait any longer, it's better to do it in one step and solve everything today.

   "Ayan, are you awake?"

  Chu Chenjiang woke Qianyan up, the smile on his face was very gentle, and his eyes were staring at her madly: "We are getting married."

   "Do you feel good?"

  Chu Chenjiang didn't completely control Qianyan, making her like Lin Yucui and He Mingqing, so after asking this question, he didn't get the answer he wanted, and he was very angry.

   "Ayan, we are getting married, do you think it's okay?"

   This time, he controlled her with more mental power, and finally heard her say yes, but he was not satisfied.

   "No, you shouldn't be like this, you don't look like this at all, Yan, you have to be happy, smile, and willingly agree to marry me, understand?"

   Fu No. 1 is a little confused, what is Chu Chenjiang talking to himself in the room?

  Yes, in his surveillance, when Chu Chenjiang said the first sentence to Qianyan, he was talking to himself, as if someone was really responding to him.

   Qianyan sat on the side long ago, holding a cup and waiting there, watching Chu Chenjiang perform on his own.

  Qianyan felt that even if all the truth was revealed, the process still had to be completed, and there must be a beginning and an end in being a person and doing things.

  Fu No. 1 didn't hold back and sent a message to Qianyan: He was controlled by you?

   Qianyan fiddled with her phone: Hmm.

   Otherwise, do you want to perform with each other?

  Fu No. 1: Yes, you are so good.

   Anyway, in his heart, Qianyan is definitely not the original product, and of course, it cannot be from the Southern Dynasty.

   With such a strong mental power, it is possible that he is the boss of the supernatural world. Because of the accidental crossing, he made a deal with the original Miss Fu. This is how it is written in the novel.

   Fortunately, he has read countless books, otherwise he would not know these things. The imagination of modern people is really endless.

   If Tao Jiuxiang was born in this world, the book might sell a few more copies.

   Oh, no, it should be a best-seller. He didn't forget that the first 100,000 copies of that guy's autobiography were sold out in an instant.

   (end of this chapter)

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