Chapter 1883 Suddenly becoming a big sister (9)

   The white-haired woman couldn't help but sighed when she saw Qianyan's new phone, she was really stupid.

   "If she is ill, I will go back and give her a decoction to cure her." Qian Yan said, "Make sure to restore her original health level, neither weak nor strong, and then watch her take care of the child."

   She is no longer short of money, her studies are easy for her, and sometimes it is time to toss.

  Only curing Deng Minghui and watching her take the child is not a happy thing for Deng Minghui.

   Hearing Qianyan's tone, the white-haired woman thought of the previous scene and understood that the other party's handling method must be different from hers, and she was definitely as refreshed as before.

   She quieted down and couldn't help but look forward to the vacation after the next semester.

  Qianyan was playing with the phone for a while, when suddenly a call came, glanced at the caller ID, and picked it up.

"Yanyan, I heard that you have a conflict with your family?" It was the body's grandmother who was on the phone. Before Qianyan could speak, the other party said with a persuasion, "Your mother is now pregnant with a child, or a twin. You take care of her more, how can you talk back to make her angry?"

   "What about the younger siblings, how lucky you are to be the eldest sister."

  Qianyan expressionless: "Not happy."

Tan Birou was choked and said, "Now that it's open, your parents are also thinking that you can have a company. In the future, when they leave, you won't be alone. One more pair of lovely brothers and sisters, what a good thing, in the future I can still play with you and be filial to your sister."

"Come on, why did they have a second child? Grandma, you know better than anyone else, don't you just have no son? You want to fight for one. If you know the gender so early, I'm afraid you have to spend money to fly somewhere to check. If there are two girls, You see if they are alive or not."

"I'm not alone at all, don't put a hat on my head. They can take care of me if they want. It doesn't matter if they give my room to the two little ones. After all, the house is theirs, and I'm an adult. They kicked me out. It's all right. But don't try to put this responsibility on me, I have no obligation to raise my younger siblings."

   "Unless they die and have no income. I'm just a student now and have no income. If such an accident really happens, you grandmother, I'm afraid you have to take care of those two little ones."

Tan Birou's tone was full of reproach: "Yanyan, how can you be so selfish, that's your younger brother and sister, have you forgotten the kindness of your parents? It's not easy for them to drag you so much. You've gone out of town and your home is deserted. Just want to add someone. You are too selfish to be considerate at all."

"Don't worry, I'll give them the old-age care in the future, don't worry about raising the children, I'll raise my own. Grandma, you are so selfless, you can help me a little more then, after all, it's your grandson, if you like it so much, don't let the two The little grandson suffers and needs to be taken care of." Qian Yan sneered and interrupted Tan Birou, "If you say so much, why don't you give 200,000 yuan as a reserve for raising two children, and the two children will definitely be filial to your old man in the future. "Grandma, when do you think the two hundred thousand will be given?"

  Tan Birou was so flustered by Qianyan that she didn't dare to answer this. She muttered that she was too selfish and hung up the phone.

  It's crazy to raise those two children for 200,000 yuan. Isn't that asking for her coffin book?

   To avoid being disturbed again, Qianyan turned off the phone before going to sleep.

   As long as she has no morals, no one can kidnap her.

   For shameless people, it is right to be more shameless than them.

   The next morning, Qianyan got up and turned on the phone, and she saw a lot of missed calls.

   (end of this chapter)

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