Chapter 1885 Suddenly becoming a big sister (11)

   Afterwards, Qianyan received a phone call from some relatives, and let these people criticize her from a high position in front of her, and in the end they would hang up in anger because of the 200,000 she offered.

  Whether these people would scold her over there when they hung up the phone, she didn't know, she didn't see it anyway.

   She is in a good mood now.

   These persuaded her to be sensible. Those who accepted the two children were not in a good mood. They might not know what would happen if she accepted them.

  The original owner's tragic life was not sympathized by a few people, and there might be people who called her a fool behind her back.

   After school started, Qian Yan did not receive any more calls from Deng Minghui and his relatives, and she began to study and live step by step.

   Qi's family discussed with her about giving Qi Shao a lesson. Usually, she is not satisfied with her class schedule and can be busy, so she will spare time to teach Qi Shao a video lesson and answer the puzzles that Qi Shao encounters every day. On the weekends, he went to Qi's house for classes.

   Qi's family still has a lot of money, and they are very willing to give money, but she still mentioned whether she wants to or not. If she feels that she is too busy, she should go to classes only on weekends and two days as before.

  Qianyan was of course busy, and agreed to the proposal, making up lessons for Qi Shao meant that she didn't have to worry about other things to make money.

   In the blink of an eye, the freshman semester is over, the final exam is over, and the holidays are coming. She saw Deng Minghui's news in the circle of friends, and only then did she know that the other party's due date was up.

  Deng Minghui and his wife attach great importance to the upcoming baby. They have been admitted to a private hospital and are ready to give birth at any time.

   When I saw the news, Qian Yan was already living at Qi's house and taught Qi Shao every day.

   Every day is a half-day course, which is much longer than the last vacation course. For the remaining half day, Qi Shao had other arrangements.

   Now that she lives in Qi's house, she realizes that Qi Shao has learned a lot at a young age, but he is not disgusted, but works very hard.

   This afternoon is a talent class - piano.

   Originally, she was watching the piano teacher teach Qi Shao, but halfway through, she received a call from Rong Lianhao.

   Maybe seeing that she was on vacation, she didn't call, and it seemed that she didn't intend to go back, so Rong Lianhao couldn't sit still.

When asked by Rong Lianhao when she would go back, Qianyan replied, "I'm working part-time, so I don't have time to go back. I don't have a room at home, and my parents don't give me living expenses. It seems that the tuition fee is impossible, so I have to work hard. Doing part-time jobs to make money?"

   These words blocked Rong Lianhao for a while, and soon he said: "If you are more obedient, can I not give you living expenses? Before you were ignorant, regardless of leaving, you didn't understand me and your mother at all."

   "Come back quickly, your mother will give birth soon, I'm really too busy by myself, you have to come back and help." Rong Lianhao felt that it was impossible for Qianyan to watch.

"Dad, have you forgotten what I said before, give birth and support yourself, don't put this responsibility on me, you can just invite someone if you are too busy. So many relatives are looking forward to the birth of two children, you can invite them Hands-on, they all have a lot of experience, you might as well ask them for help."

  Rong Lianhao's expression was not very good: "Are you really not coming back?"

   "Just watch me and your mother suffer?"

   "I don't give you this hardship, it's what you want, and it has nothing to do with me. You want to retire, I have to make money for living expenses and tuition fees, so I don't have time."

   "Why are you so unfilial!"

   (end of this chapter)

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