Chapter 1892 Suddenly becoming a big sister (18)

   "Mom, I kindly reminded you before that you have to take care of yourself, and don't put any responsibility for taking care of these two children on me."

   "They are your younger brothers and sisters!" Deng Minghui was really a little broken, how could she raise such a strange daughter.

   Qianyan nodded: "It is true in terms of blood relationship, but I don't welcome them in my heart. Of course, the main thing is that I warned you, as long as you support yourself as many as you want."

  Deng Minghui still didn't think Qian Yan was so cruel, he simply packed up after eating and went out.

   She was on a trip to the company. The cost of the two children was terrifying. She had to prepare to work to earn money.

   She still can't believe that there is no one at home, this dead girl can really look at the child regardless.

   However, Qianyan proved with practical actions that she really can.

   Just after Deng Minghui had a good talk with the company, he received a call from Qianyan, and Qianyan's cursed voice sounded: "Mom, your child is crying."

   "Did you hear? Hurry back and take care of them."

After    finished speaking, Qian Yan didn't hang up the phone and let the cries reach Deng Minghui's side.

  Deng Minghui's forehead was throbbing, and she couldn't help scolding Qianyan on the phone, but it was of no use. Her eldest daughter was so cruel.

  Deng Minghui's eyes were flushed with anger, and he couldn't help but complained to the people in the company. Several familiar ones followed her to complain, but some remained silent.

   As soon as she left, someone said: "I have a second child in my forties, and I haven't discussed it with my eldest daughter. This is the end."

   "When she was pregnant before, didn't she just think that her eldest daughter could take care of her? Her eldest daughter is miserable."

   "Her eldest daughter is not a vegetarian either, she can't handle it."

   "Suddenly I don't feel very well. She is going back to work. She has two children to take care of, can she take care of her?"

   "You can still be a good colleague if you care about the company. If you don't care about the company and don't support idle people, you can't make way for her and hold her in your arms, right? Do you have any points in your heart?"

   "It's said that her eldest daughter is ruthless enough, she can really do it. Anyway, it's been less than two months since Deng Minghui gave birth to a child. It's really inappropriate to be so indifferent."

   "I also want to say, maybe it is because of this that Deng Minghui wants to fight for the second child."

   "Haha..." Someone let out a low laugh, his voice was extremely mocking, and he returned to his post without speaking.

  The discussion thread is over.

  Deng Minghui rushed home in a hurry. Sure enough, he saw Qianyan sitting in the living room playing with his mobile phone, scolding and entering the room to watch the two children, changing their diapers.

After    was done, she didn't talk to Qianyan again, maybe she knew that she couldn't speak to her.

   After these two times, she also understood that it was basically impossible for Qianyan to take care of her children. This girl was too cruel.

  Deng Minghui returned to the room. The more he thought about it, the more he couldn't understand. He took out his mobile phone and clicked on the family group.

   She has two family groups, one is from the Deng family, and the other is from the Rong family.

   This small composition complaining about what Qianyan did was immediately seen by everyone, and the originally quiet family group exploded.

   Deng Minghui finally let out a long sigh of relief when he saw the reaction of everyone in the family group.

  Deng Minghui: I didn't even know she was so cruel. Seeing Jiabao Meizhu crying, she just sat on the sofa without moving. I really don't regret having a second child at this age.

   Two chapters first

   Still writing



   (end of this chapter)

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