Chapter 1896 Suddenly becoming a big sister (22)

   Qianyan's words really made Rong Jinzhi stunned, but she didn't expect her to call because of this.

She quickly reacted: "Oh, are you asking for guilt? My sister-in-law said that you are very strange, and it is indeed getting more and more strange. I thought you were joking before, no matter how cruel you are, you can't ignore the elder brother's. The kindness of parenting, regardless of the younger brothers and sisters, in the end you really can do it."

   "I didn't encourage my sister-in-law to sue you, I just showed her a few cases. If you hadn't done too much, could the family sue you?" In her opinion, Qian Yan's behavior was disobedient and unfilial. If you really want to get to that step, you must be sued. Anyway, she doesn't need to do anything to talk about it.

   "That's true." Rong Jinzhi's words didn't irritate Qianyan, her tone was as calm as before, "My aunt looks very busy, and she even manages other people's housework."

   "Rong Qianyan, it wasn't me who told you, you have gone too far..."

   Before Rong Jinzhi could finish speaking, Qian Yan hung up the phone with a snap and blocked the other party.

   She felt that talking to Rong Jinzhi on the phone was not enough to teach him a lesson, and she was not very happy.

   Or go to the other party tomorrow, and say it in front of the other party, only face to face can make a deep impression.

   Rong Jinzhi was suddenly hung up over there, rolled his eyes in anger, and cursed in a low voice before putting down the phone.

   "What did that girl, Qianyan, say to make you so angry?" It was Qianyan's grandmother Xu Ruying who asked the question. From her frowning, she could tell that she didn't like this granddaughter very much.

"This dead girl is so mad, what else could it be? Come to me to ask for her guilt." Rong Jinzhi rolled his eyes and complained to Xu Ruying, "I think the elder brother and sister-in-law are so big and disrespectful to raise her for nothing. Forget about us elders, we don’t even listen to our parents, and we can be ruthless to our younger brothers and sisters who have just been born. In the past, this girl looked honest, but I really didn’t know she was so vicious in her bones, but fortunately big brother Sister-in-law gave birth to a second child, otherwise, I can't count on her in the future."

"I just reminded my sister-in-law and sent a few cases for her to see. Those cases were about an adult sister who didn't support her younger brother and sister, and was finally sued by her parents. If that girl is really that bad, let the sister-in-law go. To sue her, it would be a good way to teach this kind of white-eyed wolf a lesson..."

   On the second day, Qianyan woke up naturally. After washing up, she slowly finished breakfast before heading to Xu Ruying's unit.

   When the people from the unit heard that Qianyan was Rong Jinzhi's niece, her name was Rong Qianyan, and their expressions suddenly became a little weird.

   Qianyan still doesn't understand. Rong Jinzhi probably said a lot of bad things about her in the work unit. The beginning must be that she has a famous university niece who is a white-eyed wolf and so on.

  The people from the unit still brought Qianyan in, and they were also muttering in their hearts. This girl looks gentle and beautiful, but it is not obvious from the surface that she is the kind of person that Rong Jinzhi said.

  Perhaps this is knowing the person, knowing the face but not the heart?

   In short, no matter how good-looking, no matter how famous school students, people will not like them if they have bad character. As a social animal, they don't ask more about their own affairs. They still do a good job on the surface, and they are polite to Qianyan.

  Rong Jinzhi didn't quite understand what Qianyan was looking for her, so she went to the pantry.

   Not only Qian Yan was alone in the tea room, but there were also several people who came to drink water and eat morning tea.

   (end of this chapter)

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