Chapter 1918 Suddenly becoming a big sister (44)

   But the grades of the two children have become their heart problems, and they are hovering in the middle of the middle school. How can they be admitted to a famous university?

"With the current grades of Jiabao and Meizhu, they can barely get into an ordinary high school. When they get to high school, they still maintain this grade, and their grades are basically in the middle and lower reaches." Rong Lianhao said, the more he talked, the more panic he felt, "Now there are still Time, we have to find a way to improve their grades, otherwise it will be difficult to improve in high school."

  Deng Minghui sighed: "Then I can only go to make-up classes."

   Take make-up classes, and that's another lot of money.

   If you want to say that you don’t regret it, how can you not regret it? It's just that the two couples gritted their teeth and didn't say anything. If you really admit your regrets, how embarrassing is that? Besides, they have already given birth, and they can’t regret it, so they can only continue to persevere. After all, they are already in junior high school and spend most of their time in school. They just need to make good money and monitor the grades of the two children.

   "Speaking of when she was in school, she didn't have so many things to do," Rong Lianhao couldn't help but say, "Never bothered anyone, and she was not lower than the top five in the class in the exam."

"The quality of teaching now is not as good as it used to be. The current teachers don't teach well, and they have to make various tricks for parents to participate, so that students can learn well?" Deng Minghui complained, "What's the use of fixing those handmade things? I buy all kinds of things if I have something or nothing, and the parent group keeps dripping every day, so there is not much business."

  Rong Lianhao took it seriously: "Yes, there was no parent group at that time, and there were only two parent-teacher meetings every semester. We hadn't been there much at that time, and it didn't affect anything."

   "So, it's these teachers who can't do it."

  The saying is that, if the couple really want to reflect something, they dare not.

  Rong Jiabao and Rong Meizhu soon had more remedial classes, and the two were dissatisfied, so they didn't have much time to play.

   The couple agreed to various conditions before they coaxed them to go to the cram school.

After the tutoring, the effect is still a little bit, but they are only hovering in the middle and upper reaches. The two children do not pay much attention to their studies. In addition, their talents are average. In a junior high school with so many smart children, it is no doubt that they want to squeeze into the top ten. A fool's dream.

   Deng Minghui and Rong Lianhao knew the result, and they began to comfort themselves again, as long as they can go to high school smoothly, it doesn't matter if they go to a normal university in the future.

   "It doesn't matter if a famous brand is not a famous brand, what matters is filial piety." Deng Minghui said, "Some people who have studied in a famous university are not unreliable, so what's the use?"

   This is during the Chinese New Year, when relatives asked about the grades of the two children, Deng Minghui said to save the respect.

   Everyone present knew about Qianyan, and those who had been cleaned up by Qianyan because of a lack of mouth, did not dare to follow Deng Minghui to say that Qianyan was bad.

   As for Deng Minghui's remarks, in their opinion, it is a dead duck's mouth, unwilling to admit the excellence of Qianyan and the mediocrity of Rong Jiabao and Rong Meizhu.

  The family feast is gone, and they go home.

   "Let's see, some of them will regret it." Xu Pingling shook her head, "The eldest daughter who is so outstanding doesn't pay attention to it, she insists on all kinds of calculations, wants to fight for a son, and now the retribution will come."

  Rong Lianjun remembered his daughter who was admitted to Qianyan's university, and nodded in agreement: "They are too confused, I heard that Yanyan is very powerful, and is the person that many students in that school admire."

   As for the powerful method, Rong Lianjun still doesn't know much about it.

   (end of this chapter)

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