All Aspects Are Kneeling and Begging the Villain Heroine To Be a Person

Chapter 1953: The body has been crossed by heartthrobs (21)

   Chapter 1953 The body was crossed by the heartthrob (21)

   After dealing with the Dao Companion, she is afraid that she will return less in the future. These are none of her business, Shang Yingxue thought to herself.

  Since that wicked lone ghost disappeared, Ye Manshuang seemed to be gone.

   The two didn't chat for a while, when a miscellaneous disciple came over to tell them that Xue Zhong called them over, and it was their little junior sister Jing Feifei who had returned.

  Tomorrow is the sect recruiting ceremony, and Xue Zhongxiang will hold the apprenticeship ceremony today.

   "The Fourth Senior Sister, let's go over and take a look." Shang Yingxue said that she had no feelings for the little Junior Sister who had never met.

   But, she felt that the attitude of Ye Manshuang and others was a bit strange.

   Don't they only take that lonely ghost in their hearts? How could he be so concerned about this little junior sister who suddenly appeared.

   "Fourth Senior Sister, what do you think?"

   The two of them ride on the crane, which is the main way for sect disciples to travel between peaks.

  Qianyan said: "You will know when you see it."

   "That's right." Shang Yingxue raised her brows slightly, Fourth Senior Sister was much calmer than before, and as expected, her cultivation was stronger.

   I heard that the Fourth Senior Sister had adventures outside her training.

   Those who had brain problems didn't follow her before, staring at that body. Could it have something to do with that adventure?

   Seeing that he was about to reach the main peak where Xue Zhong was, Shang Yingxue quickly put away all his thoughts, and the smile on his face disappeared.

   Ye Manshuang's few are fine, and even Master's attitude of condoning the lone ghost who didn't know where he came from is really inappropriate.

   Fourth Senior Sister is Master's biological daughter. I really didn't expect Master to pay more attention to that lonely ghost. This is why she is reluctant to return to Piaoyun Sect.

   In the future, after she and Lu Guangyun hold the Dao Companion Ceremony, I am afraid that she will not return to the Piaoyun Sect.

When    Qianyan and the others entered the hall, Ye Manshuang and others all arrived.

   At a glance, she saw Jing Feifei, who was guarded by Ye Manshuang and a few people in the center. Jing Feifei was wearing plain clothes and looked at a neat person.

  Jing Feifei's eyes were also on Qian Yan, she didn't pay any attention to Shang Yingxue.

   That's a boring person.

   She and Xue Qianyan still have some kind of relationship. She used that body before, but unfortunately she didn't stay for a few years, and she was suddenly bounced back to reality.

   Wearing it this time, looking at the body from the perspective of a bystander, it is very strange.

   She remembered correctly, Xue Qianyan's appearance was indeed born well, as expected of some Suzaku blood, no matter what.

  Jing Feifei looked at him blatantly, but Qianyan didn't react much, but Shang Yingxue was a little unhappy.

   In just one meeting, Shang Yingxue's impression of this new little junior sister was extremely bad, so her face became more than a little bit cold.

"I don't know which is the fourth senior sister and which is the fifth senior sister?" Jing Feifei tilted his head, a little curiosity in his eyes, and a smile on the corners of his lips, as if he was asking Qianyan and other people. people.

   Ye Manshuang originally wanted to introduce, but didn't want Qianyan to speak first: "What? Can't recognize it?"

  Jing Feifei was stunned for a while, not expecting Qianyan to be so rude.

   I couldn't help shaking my head in my heart. With such a personality, it's no wonder he's not likable.

  Look at this, anyone who hears it will feel uncomfortable.

   "Is this senior sister dissatisfied with me?" Jing Feifei didn't look angry at all, and he didn't look innocent. Instead, he treated Qianyan generously with a smile.

   (end of this chapter)

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